I’ve had ups and ups and ups and downs many times over the years. More downs then anything with recurring chaos set as a norm. If continue to do the same thing expecting a different result, well you get insanity!
Insanity was such a normal thing that I worked it into myself in a variety of ways. Esteem, Outlook, introverted egotistical views, hypocritical and loneliness all because I was sad.
i drove by a sign tonight in little Italy and it said on the brick wall “ Life is Beautiful” I said sure is as I was sat at a red. Then I looked over at a bunch of people potentially smoking meth and I said “ hmm is it though”
life is beautiful and I’ve had time to waste it seems. So as I regain the happiness I neglected for all those years, I take time to reflect as often as I can.
so gather with people love the people and be with the people- whom make you YOU!
i met up with my oldest friend tonight for our favourite pastime which is movie watching together. We did it all the time in our youth. I can now say we together have seen the two Riddler incarnations on the Big Screen. felt nice to be and just enjoy this simple life treat.
I gave up loving myself and so I’m trying to more than i ever have to regain more self respect instead of just preaching it to others. 30 minutes of cardio, reading, hygiene fare, treat eating, daydreaming 😶🌫️ In 30 days. Trick- Life Hack =
do it daily for life.
“Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.”
Barbara De Angelis