So are you one of those people who need blankets and heat and more heat and more covers? This is exactly why I’m glad I sleep alone!
i have a window open near 365. This past year I did shut the windows when we were minus 40 and such but let me tell ya fans were on. I need a fan on me head and sides of me body! Haha I couldn’t imagine not having cool air covering me body as I slumber.
Yesterday we had this wicked wind which froze my sky condo. I shut all the windows and covered in blankets. Which is quite bizarre to be #honest! I’m going through Andropause YES this is a real thing bOi
Its Male Menopause. So hot flashes all the time cannot get comfortable and the less clothing the better. My sleep need to be cold and I need to be completely relaxed.
As I get comfy in me bed, I create wind by stretching while praying which moves my chimes and dream catchers. There are no negative thoughts in bed there are no worries in bed. I created this rule for myself a long time ago. I focus on my book that I’m writing or the news that’s playing in the background. Side plug here checkout ABC streaming world news you will love host Andrew and get lost in the news of the world.
Anyway the point is COLD is the best way to sleep! Convince me I’m wrong! Tell me your thoughts and of course don’t forget about the contest.