A morning thought bubble 💭
I do not like mornings. If you’ve met me and have learned about my world haha you would know I am beyond NOT a morning person!
My family for the most part are morning people, except for me Mum! she just has a rough time in the morning, and I am medically unable to adjust quick. Even if I attempt to adjust to the noise making crazy making people who may be around me, I suffer from migraines. So NO! Even before my world changed I wasn’t a morning person. I can’t even really recall what life was like in the mornings as a younger person. I reckon I wasnt than either. I don’t do well with happy loud go go go people on a regular let alone in the am. Physically want to create hurt. Emotionally I instantly am drained. Mentally the brain is scrambled. Spiritually I’ve dammed this person to ultimate #Hell lol
This is a tidbit of a day in the life!
Enjoy your day! 😻