Aurora…Where Stars Align.
By Sabastian Stefano
Another rainy day in Vincettio, but good morning! The radio welcomes Vessy into the new day. He rolls over barely remembering how he got home, realizing he is still in his purple button up ‘Saint Laurent’. He rubs his genital area to be sure he didn’t piss himself again while in his stupor. Eight am! Vessy’ fridge contains a carton of orange juice, some eggs cheese and pop. A bachelor who lives at work. Chug back the orange juice he does and makes his way to his balcony for a cigarette. Inhale the breath of morning fuckery mixed with the mist of rain. That 7-minute escape before reality sets in is always the best part of the day. He pets his cat and feeds her. No shower, there’s never enough time. Off come those clothes, lather with body sprays and colognes. On goes the next seventeen-hour outfit. Michael Kor will dress Vess up, in a white yellow pin stripe formal accompanied with a yellow sweater vest. Dress pants and good ole dress shoes made for tapping complete his look. Wallet, smokes and change to get the day going and off he goes to the train, in the rain.
Nine pm! The evening is getting under way. Friday night not remembered to be as he started his day. Vincettio’s version of Steve Rubell calls upon his two long-time staff members to join him in the back cooler for shot gun beers as this night is going to get wilder. Terry and Carmen join Sylvester in the cooler and they cheer to what should be another famed night at Club R&C. Sylvester walks out onto the dance floor and rings the club bell and onto the stage comes the piano man himself. “You know sometimes I wonder if I am the attraction here or if its you Sweater Vest?” The crowd forming cheers for both Sylvester and the piano man. “ I have to say I wouldn’t be here for this anniversary of five years if it were not for you finding me in an alley busking, and you giving me a chance Vessy! You my friend, and the club’s greatest attraction. I am glad to share this space with you man, congrats on our Five Years together. Now everyone give your Piano Man a round of applause.” The town of Vincettio on the Island of Connor U.S.A. famously known for the best nightlife in all the state, created Sylvester NewHook ( Vessy/Sweater Vest) a young man who came from nothing found his limelight gift in being able to create atmosphere’s which could sweep people off their feet. His ability to transform an evening in any of the clubs he has managed into a pure escape was uncanny. He had become world renown with club R&C. Jamie Grant was a washed-up musician who lost their way, destitute in an alley. Then found by Vessy. He transformed them into the Piano Man. Midnight! The bar was rocking. People lined up for hours to get into this place and most didn’t! Bartender Terry staged pouring drinks as though they were climatic events in themselves all while maintaining the drunken affections of the patrons surrounding him. Carmen the angriest waitress on earth managed a smile and ass slap by one-to-many men raking in the tips though because she had nice tits- as they say. “Ill literally kill the next motherfucker who slaps my ass Terry! Girl just grab their junk and twist, but don’t forget to tell them to tip or they’ll lose theirs!” (the two friends laugh) Vessy stands a top a makeshift lifeguard post in the Irish club towards the back of the bar. His office was up here and gave way to overseeing the entire events of the evening. A smile runs across his face as he is delighted to see the crowd engaged in good fun dancing the night away. He pours himself a Jamieson straight, slams it back counts some cash in’s and heads down to the main floor. The neon signs begin to shut off outside of the club windows and lined up patrons to be knew the bar would be shutting down for the night. The bouncer walked away and the entrance shut. People left happy even though they couldn’t get into the club, could be because party drugs happened to keep them lit while dancing in the rain. Three Am! Semi Sonic rages as the nightly musical theatre event ends. “Time for you to go out to the places you will be from. Closing time, this room wont be open till your brothers or your sisters come” Carmen lights a cigarette at a table hidden towards the back. Terry pours himself a drink while cleaning the mess which is the bar platform where he performs. “Another amazing night ya’ll. You didn’t have your ass slapped about a thousand times fucker! Calm your tits woman he got to watch you make, what five hundred bucks tonight? Sweater Vest ask her what she made in tips! Girl what pre-tell did you make tonight? Terry’s right but closer to six hundred. (Sylvester and Carmen high five) I made good money too, not that either of you are asking. Five years here you two, five fucking glorious years. (Terry brings a bottle over to the table to join Carmen and Vessy ) We should cheers to this guys. (he pours each of them some Jager) To Mave!” Mavis was Sylvester’ Mentor. She owned club R&C and handed it down to him as she retired and eventually died randomly soon after. Her picture hung by the shooter bar window to the private room. The three friends cleaned up the bar, continued to drink and even consumed some nightly cocaine. Sylvester walked them out as he took out the garbage. He stood in the rain for a brief moment and thought of how glorious his life is. He rubbed the club’s logo on the veranda that lead to the garbage cans in the alley out back. He said to himself time to take me self home. The thunder crashed down as the rain invaded every open space. Sylvester stumbled around before successfully locking the doors and heading home.
Bachelor life consists of every available snack at the local 7/11 bought by a drunk with to much money who heads home to finish up his evening with his cat. The room is dimly lit as the television plays a re-run of ‘Joy’. The news alerts that one of the shows main stars have been found dead in their hotel room. Sylvester pauses and thinks of how sad this is that the man died in his hotel room. He was so talented he thought to himself. How Sylvester loved this fucking show! Pours himself another drink he doesn’t need. A handful of chips and a swig of whiskey even though dawn would creep on and he may get a couple hours sleep. Drifts in and out of sleep and static comes and goes from the screen. However, he awakes to a commercial about this vacation book being advertised by another of his Vincettio famed celebrities. Keogan was advertising “Work” the hotspot vacation book of Hollywood California’s finest escaping their everyday and heading out to the Mediterranean to Club Aurora! Vessy thought wow, what a concept and what a brilliant idea. He called up Keogan right in that moment. Awakening Keogan as it was the middle of the night. “Vessy its Five Am! Sorry mate, but I just seen the commercial on ‘Work’ I don’t care Vessy again its 5Am! Keogan I am going to call Lane and I think this is a brilliant concept for the Home Box Office! You’re making movies now Vessy?? I’m making entertainment man, and so are you! This is gold right here man, pure fucking gold!! Good night Vessy!” As Keogan hangs up and the line goes dead. Sylvester proceeds to write down his thoughts, just one more phone call and this project is coming to life he said aloud!!
A week later and a sign hang on the door of Club R&C “Closed for Vacation” Sylvester NewHook could just close a nightclub for personal vacation tells everyone that he is the cats meow of entertainment. Or its pure ego believing that this sort of business behaviour was ok? The Devaney Ryan Yacht’s twelve-person cabin cruiser rushes the waves of the Mediterranean Ocean. “Take in the View Sylvester, as this place is going to blow your mind! Lane I cannot even believe were here, I cannot thank you enough. A concept such as this Sylvester is going to make up millions! Absolute brilliance my boy.” Keogan Banks the reality show phenom who wrote the book ‘Work’ joins Lane Finch of the show ‘Joy’ both personal friends of Sylvester team up with him on this venture to capture the true essence of this Club Aurora. “There it is, I can see it straight ahead! (Exclaims Carmen too Terry whom also join in on this million dollar television series for Home Box Office.) A Keyhole shaped bunker left to perish to rubble in the Mediterranean Sea from the Spanish Civil War sits firmly in the water. Height wise rock formations lead from the bunker into the Sea hypnotically as though designed this way from an artist’ design. Though the rock formation was created by under water volcanos crashing earth to sea and rising high to elaborate the beauty which is now Aurora! Captain Ryan decides to park the yacht close to the rock wall climb structure at the end of the resort. The passengers get off the yacht and are welcomed by Isabelle. “Welcome to Aurora, we are so glad you came again Keogan! Thank you, Isabelle, this is…No need Keogan I, I mean we are familiar with Lane Finch and Sylvester NewHook. Welcome to you both and your guests”. (Carmen, Terry and Captain Ryan shake hands with the resort staff ) A tour of Aurora takes place. Only the finest of luxuries are displayed for the guests of the infamous Aurora. Art priced in the millions hangs freely. Glass structures tamed the eye of alluring divine overshadowed by the fine dining experience hovering above the crashing sea water. Carmen and Terry have never left Vincettio, to this it was a dream even stepping on the same ground as potentially Hollywood’s delights.
“A visionary in itself this resort is, you’ll find everything and anything your heart desires here. I encourage you all to dive into the escapism which is Aurora at its finest. ( Isabelle points to the entrance down into Aurora ) You mean this isn’t it? Come on Carmen did you think I brought yawl here just for exquisite food, fine art and breath-taking views? What’s in the bunker Sweater Vest? Well Terry, lets go inside and find out!” Lane takes a moment and looks back toward the rock like structure they all boarded off of. As night approaches the sky begins to filter with Tyrian purple. Captain Ryan tells Lane he is going to check on the yacht as he fears a storm may be coming. Lane follows the others into the bunker.
Mimosa’s are being served in the venue Carmen lands in. Separated for a moment it seems, and the clock says Eight Am! “ Must be why theyre serving Mimosa’s hey Vessy? Isn’t that strange though I didn’t realize it was morning still Carmen? Well we are on vacation, so bottoms up. Look around Vessy this place is a dream Hawaiian style. Yet with a Twist I see…” Sylvester points Carmen toward the Egyptian God like figures walking towards them. The fresh pineapple cut with cracking a crisp bottle of Smirnoff, pops off cork to moving walls. Sand whisks around the feet of the dancers as they sway to the ceremonial music only found on tribal lands of Hawaii. “Ahh it’s a themed resort! Not just any theme Ms. Carmen these are themes of the life. The life? Yes all of which dreams are made of look around, are you not captured by the escape of it all? She’s right Carmen, its beautiful its magnificent architecture themed out to sand dune walls, Egyptian Gods and tropics.” The thunder crashes down onto the Key Hole and the room vibrates through cement walls. “Tropic Thunder too!!” (Carmen states)
“Borealis is coming! Come this way Captain.” The tail end of the resort is the rock formation. Leading the way to the skyline it appears. Thinly layered stone makes a walkway of purgatory as the old lady takes Captain Ryan by the hand. She sits and begins work on her easel. Captain Ryan approaches the large rock center of the platform under the skyline. “Isnt the View marvellous? (Recognizing the man, the Captain says ) Are you not Ted McGriff from that TV show? Yes I am, and thanks for coming. I don’t understand man, why are you entwined with rope on that rock?” The large rock centre of the platform seemingly tied Mr. McGriff up, under the skyline. “Borealis is coming! (says the old lady from behind Captain Ryan ) He looks back at her and peers at her waterboard. He noticeably sees her drawing Mr. McGriff. Then as the Tyrian comes way the Borealis aligns with the TV Star, striking down onto him. His soul leaves his body into the air lightly dimmed purple. Escaping into the skyline and vanishing from the sea. Captain Ryan gasps as though he cannot believe what he just seen. Turning towards the old lady he needed answers. She turns her waterboard around and the illustration becomes him. “Borealis has come”
As the mandolin plays the room fills with nectar, whiffs of sweet hover over. Mimosa by Mimosa are served. Carmen grabs Sylvester’s Shoulders and turns him around to be star struck like she is in the moment. “LOOK.. ( He laughs ) Stop girl you’re gonna draw attention. Remember the elite are here to escape the everyday. They are not here to be ogled and asked for autographs. Right right, I know but I cant believe its Ziaya from Home Box Office’ ‘Jubilation’! ( Ziaya, a Mononymous individual is an up and coming young starlet. She has recently done under the realm of five major motion pictures and is every straight mans fantasy; yet also every woman’s young love crush. You could catch her eating pussy on the small screen and locking lips with Hollander Cat on the big screen. There she was smoking a cigarette as her real life boyfriend Ennis Del Mar did a line of cocaine off the gold plated mirror sitting next to an unused mandolin.) Wow he just did coke, like in the open?! Yes Carmen it’s the hottest club in the world with no paparazzi. Lets get some ourselves, ill be right back!” As Vessy leaves to find a waiter with an eight ball, Carmen looks around for Terry. The walls in this atmosphere appear to be made of bamboo and the sand seems pure. Fresh melons being cut all around and air is thick with vitamin c. Sylvester pauses and just for a moment remembers he had left a half eaten nectarine on the counter at home. Hathor approaches Carmen and proceeds to dance with her. A lei is placed around her neck as she is lead out of the bamboo. Connection of her mother captures her soul, and a willing need to kiss Zaiya releases her from her memory. Her lips press against the actress’ face and the sands fall down her crown in time of lust. Zaiya turns and is summoned by the rock. Flat surface it is Carmen finds her self on as she looks up to see the rock under the skyline. “Wait a minute. What the fuck just happened? Are we outside? Magic in the air, Isabelle says. Around you, its there!” The Sea cascades upward with water now sharing its dampness with Carmen as she watches the rope tie itself around Zaiya. “I don’t understand what is happening here? Did you drug me? No child it’s the Borealis entering the sky. Were here to align. You’re here to join, Carmen my Monogynous soulmate.” Carmen turns away from Zaiya to see an old lady marking up a waterboard. She exclaims that she doesn’t understand again and again until the Tyrian strikes. The ropes fall lifeless and the woman drawing exclaims Borealis has come.
Ennis walks through the bamboo and Sylvester follows in hopes of finding where Carmen went off too. Ennis slips into the green waters. “You found me Sweater Vest! Terry what In the actual fuck are we doing in a Bath House? Not just any bath house man, a Turkish delight! This atmospheric haven is where everyone comes to frolic as you see here. I cannot believe this is real Terry? Well, it is look up the ceilings are high, and we are below the sea in a makeshift bath!” Six spotlights beam down on the Hollywood elite as they splash and play in the water. Fewer people in this club then the last, but everyone in a swimsuit or even naked as Ennis Del Mar walks by catching Sylvester’ eye. Maroon colored ceiling, four large beams capturing the essence of the water room. Music plays from a piano seemingly distant. The feature bar was dead centre and patrons swam up to the highlight. Ennis is seen twirling the hair of none other than Hollander Cat. Could it be? Were they lovers in real life? Ennis had flowing blond hair and his high energy was elated through copious amounts of cocaine consumption. Evident he was wanting to fuck the next breathing soul that walked by, and who better than his girlfriends co-star Hollander. Those Bug movies really paid off says Lane to Sylvester. “You are partaking in this Lane, I am truly shocked. Are you though, I mean really were all here to live once, right? Where did Carmen go, did you see her? Nah but ill assume she followed her trapped lesbian self and followed Zaiya out for some pie. Gross stop!!” Disco lights and water guns overtook the room, and the beats got louder. A version of “Raining Men” bounced from the mouths of the drag queens dancing on stage. On stage Sylvester thought? “Hey Lane, did you see a stage there….?” Lane was no where to be seen. People were flowing into the water as though they were following a calling. Spotlights beam down onto the feature bar and Terry is seen dishing out dramatic flare as she serves the patrons. “Humidity is rising, barometers getting low. According to all sources, the streets the place to go.. Cause tonight for the first time, just about half past ten.” “Ten Pm? Terry, its Ten Pm? Yeah man its raining men!! What?”
The waters begin to rise and part, the beams of the room cave and the floor falls through. Sylvester catches a hold of the beam as though not to fall into the waterfall, but cannot hold on. He slips deep into the bath waters!
Terry finds himself pouring drinks for no one, as he looks up as though the music was never playing. Sun is shining and the heat is beaming down on him. “Put down the martini glass child and join me. Wait are you?? Yes child now come. You’ve met Mauve I see. Ennis Del Mar is talking to me? (Ennis places a finger into Terry’s hair. He twirls its curl then kisses his forehead.) Your just in time. Wait Mauve? Like the color? Yes she is wearing Mauve, now come Terry” Peaks in the sky form. Terry is captivated by the charms of the sea. Looking around he is mesmerized by shallow of greenish blue and the color of Ennis’ eyes. Ennis’ eyes hazel delved into his soul. He peers at Terry as the rope clings to his body trapped around the rock. The waters getting low he whispers to Terry. Mauve taps Terry with her paint brush and the sharp twist of the handle causing the Tyrian to grab hold of Ennis. Terry watches as he drifts to sea. Mauve tells him to close his mouth to not let water in. Drown Terry Drown.
“The Borealis has come Vessy!! Chad Flynn, is that really you? Yeah man, why do I look like someone else? Nah I just didn’t think I would ever meet you. It’s a soap opera man, As the Stomach Turns doesn’t really exist and either does Billy. Wow! But wait can you tell me why were here, or how we ended up outside? Of course, its so you can see them rehearse. Them? Who??” Pointing toward the water, Sylvester sees Jimmy Chalet and Oliver Ranger play fighting in the water. They’re at Aurora rehearsing for the sequel to “Call the Name” Sylvester still seems caught off guard by the event of the bath house and cannot grasp why or how he ended up outside of Aurora. “Chad, why am I not wet? Oh you are, you cant feel it though!” Keogan walks by with Lane as they approach the next soundstage. Phil Collins is singing “Well, if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand. I’ve seen your face before my friend, but I don’t know if you know who I am?” Drums play and the stage gets set ahead of them. Chad is now in the water snorting coke off the dock. “You swim in the sea here at Aurora? You can do anything here Vessy, that’s why you came. I came to produce a screenplay. Yeah about us! About all of us Studio 54 people, right? You came to capture the spotlight yet again but this time with all your famous friends Sweater Vest! Chad puts his arm around Vessy and walks him across the dock. Jimmy Chalet and the Ranger seem to have had a tiff while filming. Jimmy runs to his room at the resort. “See watch him struggle, just as you did to come out. I am not struggling to come out Mr. Flynn… I just. Its nine Pm. The Borealis is coming. As though they were on stage for a production of a play. A play with all the bells and whistles of a homeless man’s garage the dirt is flying. Oil barrels and garbage cans. Broke down cars and a microphone rise above the rest. “The stage is there my friend, and here you are!” Sylvester hands The lone Ranger a towel as he dries himself. Call him by his name and he will come Oliver! Sylvester says. Oliver turns and calls Jimmy’s name!
“Nine Pm Keogan wow how time flies. Where did you ever come up with the idea of this book? I visited here the last night of a tour for the race. I experienced all the venues and got captivated by this one. This one? Of all of them the production sound stage experience? Why Lane, we could be on ‘Joy’ right now rehearsing and singing! This should be in your show! No this will be its own show, did you not know of the show? Its why we row, for it’s the show on the go for HBO! Are we singing now Lane? Look it’s a Five and Dine quarter past nine!” A stair case appears on the sound stage. Drinks appear in everyone’s hand! “This club experience is lit, don’t you think Vessy? Chad are you singing in a musical? Do you recognize it? Look your friends are enjoying it! ( Chad Flynn points to Keogan and Lane watching him perform) “Could be, who knows? There’s something due any day. I will know right away, soon as it shows it may come cannonballin down through the sky, Gleam in its eye, bright as a rose….. who knows?” That’s Jimmy Bryant singing, not Chad Flynn and West Side Story as a nightclub theme, Sylvester is caught off guard. Something feels wrong, very wrong. The people all stop performing as though still images of them remain. Heart thumping. THUMP THUMP thirty seconds go by and THUMP THUMP. He looks over and sees Oliver being tied to something in a distance. Sylvester goes the way toward the Ranger, but Chad grabs his hand. “ Why are you stopping me? As the stomach turns comes on at 1Pm Vessy, not now! What the fuck are you talking about? Chad is now in the water with Jimmy Chalet and they’re both doing coke off the dock. The Ranger no longer is out of sight, he is just replaced from the film.
CURTAIN CALL!! Everyone on stage its time for the dance routine!
Sylvester puts down his drink and rushes down the staircase and into club R&C. “What the.. Yes do you like?? Lane, how did you incorporate this into the show? Ask Keogan he envisioned it for the series. What do you think Sweater Vest, its all you and part of Aurora now! You guys built a version of My Club! Here in the Mediterranean Sea? You bet man, its all you!! Wait, can you hear that THUMP?” The fiddle starts to play. “Old hag you have killed me” catapults through the speakers and the soundstage version of Club R&C rages in its Irish Glory. Lane and Keogan begin to dance to the jig. Terry pours the drinks in a climatic fashion as though to enhance the moment! Carmen swings through the Turnkey Kitchen door with hot plates of bangers and mash swearing like the sailor she was born to be. The people all around begin to dance to the jig. People stand a top of the bar as Terry showers them with beer and they dance to the fiddler as he plays and plays. Jamie Grant walks in with Mavis. Lane takes the broom out of Sylvester’s hand and tells him to get on stage this is his show!! “Follow me, Sylvester! Toward the stage? Yes come this way. Were really high above the water here Lane!! Don’t look down and you’ll be fine! (Sylvester walks slowly along the rock like structure scared to death as he cant feel his legs. ) That’s funny I only cannot feel my legs in dreams Lane!! You’re almost there keep coming!! I am so scared of falling Lane!! Don’t look down and you won’t drown!! Put the bottle down, that may help you drunk!” Sylvester drops the bottle into the sea! The Tyrian sky appears over head. This is outside Sylvester calls out!
Sylvester stops once he reaches Lane. Lane isn’t in his view anymore, but he sees The Ranger approaching the rock under the skyline. “Why are you going on that rock? He must do as he is called to do by the Borealis. It’s coming you know child. (Sylvester turns) Mavis? Its Mauve here child. Why are you here Mavis, I mean Mauve? Do you like the cloak they gave me? Its what you were buried in Mavis! Buried?? You died Mavis, years ago! I assure you child my life is not dead, now come Tyrian is approaching. Chad, Hey Chad come here man!! (Chad doesn’t turn away from Jimmy Chalet in the water) Terry can you turn the music down, this is all a little to weird! (Terry continues to pour drinks) I don’t want to be to be at this club anymore guys, lets go! (Keogan stops Vessy from leaving.) You can’t leave now friend; the race has just begun. Stop it Keogan! Lane what’s up lets go!! Go where Sylvester? Home!!”
Lane pushes Sylvester off the soundstage. He finds himself in an abandoned unfinished room in the bunker. He calls out, but the fiddler and his music is too loud. He try’s to climb up the side of the stage to get back into Club R&C. He can’t climb back into that reality. He tries and tries again and again! He continues to fall into the abandoned room.
Dimly lit room, barely any light. He can hear something in a distance besides the music from the fiddler. Angry at the fact that Jamie Grant brought in a dead Mavis covered in Mauve. A fiddler creating a barrier between me and escaping this abandoned room, he says aloud. No one hears him as he cries for help!
Then he see’s it, the logo of R&C. Could it be? Was he outside of the club and needing to get back in? Sylvester runs to the veranda touches the logo but can’t get back inside his club. At his feet was a bright red rose. Stem cut as if it had been groomed for the occasion. Sylvester picks it up. “What a time to stop and smell the roses bud! Jamie thank god! Let me in!”
Jamie doesn’t speak, in fact their ghost dissipates. Sabastian hears a THUMP, only one this time. He checks his watch for the time, but it isn’t on his wrist. He reaches in his pockets but finds no wallet, keys or timepiece. The sound in a distance calls out like static. Sylvester follows it down the alley way. “The Alley!” He says aloud, realizing he was just taking out the garbage. The Music changes as the static grows nearer. “Semi Sonic returns a midst the darkness; “Closing time, time for you to go out to the places you will be from… I know who I want to take me home..” He sees a crown. Bright and yellow like his pin striped formal. Neat he thinks he is still wearing his work clothes. Keogan appears down the alley way. “Put the Crown on Sylvester, its time to race. The Rose and Crown are yours to keep, the club is a memory.” Sylvester puts the crown on his head and leaves the veranda. The Static gets louder as he walks to Keogan. He turns and sees Mauve Mavis drawing him on her waterboard. Jamie Grant who died years prior places the rope around NewHook’s body and secures him to the rock. Sylvester looks up and sees the Tyrian Purple Aurora Borealis snap down and take his soul!
Terry found Sylvester’ lifeless body on the veranda outback the next day. In a drunken stupor Sylvester fell and cracked his crown on the side of the deck. He drown in the blood and rain from the night. Carmen went to Sylvester’s house to get his cat. She shut off his TV, it was just static on air. She looked around his apartment and it displayed a shell of a man who bare resemblance to an icon such as Steve Rubell. Egyptian figurines, vacation photos of he in Amsterdam baths. The full DVD set of ‘Joy’ on the table next to his whiskey. A soap opera digest with Chad Flynn on the cover lay next to his 8 ball of cocaine. An obsession over Hollywood Actors prevailed in his home, with accolades all around. Sylvester NewHook loved to escape, and escape he did. Through the mind of a man who lived to not live. He died in vain covered in rain with his liquid crown he was found!
Semi Sonic “Closing Time”
Phil Collins- “In the air tonight”
Weather Girls- “Its Raining Men”
WEST SIDE STORY – “Somethings Coming by Jimmy Bryant
Character references are to Heath leger, Armie Hammer, Timothy Challemet, Billy Flynn, Zendaya, Jane Lynch, Tom Holland and Phil Keogan.
GLEE & Euphoria. Call me by your name. Broke Back Mountain. Days of Our Lives. Spiderman and the Amazing Race referenced.
Steve Rubell iconic individual
All original story based on my real life and characters I dreamt up.
Steven Prudhomme aka Sabastian Stefano