This topic came up again recently and I figured well I will put it out there on here. Here is the blog so #whynot
I like to say for “Those who know me” a lot because I believe I’m pretty damn unforgettable 😆
So here it is my take on certain things that make me who i am. I don’t believe in tattoos on myself for I believe that’s marking up this body god gave me and torture of the same. I do like tattoos on other men though.
The one thing that gets most people and has been a brunt of joke at my expense for many a year is the fact that I DO NOT EAT MEAT OFF THE BONE. You can imagine the jokes, and if you can’t well.. But you suck dick? You love men for one reason and don’t ya know the meat you’re eating came off a live animal!! Disgusting 🤢 I can not absolutely not stomach watching someone naw on their meat from a bone. Picking and sucking and licking the bone makes me vomi!t! There is nothing more barbaric than this in my opinion. Luckily I have many people who respect this and never try and force me. There are people who ask don’t you eat ribs? Omg how can you not eat ribs? That’s vile honestly i can’t even!!!! There’s the ignorant people who don’t even consider that meat is not always served without bone like KFC and then I gotta educate, my favorited thing to do!
I have occasionally met another non bone sucking meat lover, but it is rare.
I also do not believe we evolved into man. Haha thats another whole topic for another lengthy blog in the future!!
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