Good morning, up early as fuck and at job. I do not like mornings no no no. Got the coffee, and on days like today I had to suffer and purchase at The Hortons. I’m not a fan of that either lol.
So why title this as I did, you may ask. Well it’s because I bought a loaf of bread. Checked the expiration date as always but I swear to you the 7/11 doesn’t always have “fresh” as a mainstay. Now I don’t know about you but when a date says 7 days from day of purchase well that fuckin product needs to be better than that!!
Bread 🍞 I love it. I have an addiction to it. Now yes I have a good food palate. TBH i only eat two full meals a day with a late evening snack. Bread was a staple in the mornings with eggs and hash browns. Doctor Keith told me to cut it down and I couldn’t do it. One NEEDS to have a slice of bread for all egg it’s just #normal
though I digress….. So i decided about a month ago to not buy bread anymore. That’s correct you heard me right, I just don’t buy bread anymore! I’m a non bread buyer and it’s not been too hard. Twas the same way I stopped buying junk food when I did that. POP omg I was addicted to Diet Coke and just poof I stopped.
Addiction should’ve been the title as I have a seriously addictive personality. Alcoholic Drug Addict and so much more haha well add bread to the list Honey.
Today I’m eating bread though, I made an excuse and well here I am dang it.
Have a fabulous day! 💋