One of the few things I had to learn how to deal with was change. As a child there was very little change. yet when it happened it happened #big time. Such as transition from country to city life. elementary to Junior High! Working as a grunt then being not included. Changing YOUR ways to fit in, erasing the real YOU. Becoming one with the or their environment. Taking complete control then losing it all over and over and over and over again.
YEP been there one to many times. The last time something so drastic happened I decided it was time to die.
I refuse to go there again!
So change can be an absolute stunner on one’s psyche. For me it shaped who I was and who I wasnt. I grew and became strong willed and loved myself more than I ever did or could have imagined.
I’ve been in a funk lately and though I do believe it has a lot to do with my Mental Health Dx, seasonal change, time of year etc. It also has a lot to do with drastic changes in my world that I don’t have control over. In 2 of my jobs I’m losing a connector or connecting piece, two women I work with and cherish are vacating their position. Their position in my world and how I exist in this field so well is because of them. I feel loss, sadness and slight anxiet; however at the same time I am happy for them to move on. I worry about holding my own, even though they have complete faith in me. I question my faith I guess I shouldn’t but I question future and semi distance.
Change scares me still! I am human, I feel and I lust for never ending connection. Remember to love yourself, trust yourself and your friends. If they are your friend they will stay with you, if they’re not a small part of heart will be lost. Stronger I am now to handle the hail if it storms.