Do you ever notice how much taller you appear, when you stand straight up?
Questionable thoughts as I ponder the next meal grab at the local grocer.
Red or Yellow peppers? Why not both!
Making a story fry got all the usual indgriedients. In the stir fry we usually change up the peppers the most. Sometimes I'll add baby corns just for kicks.
Flavours come and go and lately I've gone through way to many tastes. So the options are limited.
What's a guy to do when this happens? I check what's left of the recipe and make some calls to friends. Former flavours tried and tested and in turn we come up with a brilliant serum to rectify the taste query.
One friend says they'll add in this spice or that spice but won't divulge it in writing as to not lose the secret recipe forever. #boundaries
The other friend gave pointers in sauce technique and strategy to make the recipe truly authentic. Together we make up the remedy of the stir fry.
Like I said I make stir fry dishes often. I listen to my taste buds and create what smells come to fruition. The bonus in cooking is breaking bread together as you enjoy the labour of the meal together! So do you mix recipes? Collaboration is key and also concept to the menu.
So after the dish has been served and all are feasting, what is there to do next?
Well we plan a lunch that's what!
I didn't get this far in life NOT making my own meals. Bring a flare craft the fire on the stove and create!
Sometimes the best dish is....
Well served cold.
The lunch is the next item we dine!
Happy November y'all
Cook in the kitchen club!