Everyone always talking about water cooler nonsense. Who’s the boss flirting with, Jerry from Accounting always looking so dull. What about Agnes from Marketing, don’t think she got a man honey. Did you see the game last night bro? How many miles you got on that beast? Did you go to the gym yesterday? How’s the kids, oh that’s good ( insert empathetic laugh)
I shall now quote Marshall here with “Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say, But nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of Gibberish”
I had a friend share on the social about the reported poisoned drug overdoses in Edmonton this past year. I reckon they mentioned about 1758 which according to them was approximately 5 deaths a day! There are at least 5 homeless people outside my building on the daily looking all dishevelled. Transit station stops have intoxicated individuals all over and friends posted about how they see some folk in the subway very intoxicated and UN cognitive daily. Tonight I had to escort a man out of one of the businesses I work for, as he was just finishing injecting. He slowly cleaned up his area from the stairwell, did not want assistance to a shelter nor did he want help. He staggered and was adamant I not follow him down and out.
I felt extreme sadness. I felt irritation for the situation.
I felt the loneliness I saw the pain.
I check off my white boxes each day like a daily grind. Some do the same. We talk that gibberish all day and make nice to people we are paid to be nice too. Yet at the end of the day those #human feelings are there. Raw as fuck. Burned sketch ✍🏻 into your daily diary and then check that off your done list as well.
Who checks their black boxes everyday?
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