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Mindful shopping, mindful living


Updated: May 9, 2022

This section will focus on one of my favourite categories that fits both into Self Care & Self Love- Cooking!!!

For a couple years you may have seen that I’ve been posting Quick Easy Meals. I am absolutely NOT a health nut nor do I claim to be! Should I be? That’s up to each Individual. I choose to be happy and in the moment.

Whether it be breakfast lunch or dinner I will post a little budget friendly, feel good meals. You can count on them being tasty too!!

Do you find Cooking to be fun? If not can I offer some insight on what i do?

I have to say that I have always been obsessed with my face and maintaining the idea of youthfulness!!

Right now I have taken on a mens product line to help reduce darkness and rejuvenate my skin. @Brickellmensproducts has been a treat for my face to say the least! $10 got me their sampler pack and trust me for a 14 day trial of the product it’s the perfect amount! Currently I am on day 7 and I’ve not felt better in a long time.

Self Care and feeling alive is key to daily living I reckon. So check them out give them a try!!

K K so check out the video! I fell in LUST with Kombucha. I cut out the POP and switched to the gut healthy snack drink. Water, Tea Leaves, Sugar and a substance called SCOBY ( symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) NO you won’t turn into VENOM 😂 but your stomach will lift weights for ya!

i added this to the shooing section because Kombucha helped me transition from pop to other beverages that suited my pallet! Not an easy task. They range in flavours, brands and prices! Kevita Master Brew Pineapple, is fabulous at $5 a bottle

GT’s Enlighten Organic Raw Trilogy, Rocks at average price $4

RISE KOMBUCH, Blueberry Maple is delicious $3 approximately

Cheap Easy and Filling with Probiotics as a key factor in healthy gut.


The idea here if the videos would work properly hopefully soon for anyone who comes to read/view lol

Is to promote easy quick ( didn’t say heathy) meals that are budget friendly and tasty fun! I love food and I think one of the best times of day is when I get to be in the kitchen! Whether this be cooking with others or on my own, the creativity is fabulously exciting but also sometimes the simplest easy dish is a go too must! Above is none other than Hamburger Helper yep folks a $5 prepackaged noodle sauce kit $7 bag of ground meat and hot water some times milk and 💥 easy quick meal! I added peas and corn to that one, but usually one doesn’t need to add a thing. Im not recreating the wheel here folks, simply reminding you to save money, try different easy things and get on with your evening! 😉


Today was a day for the books. Some of you may know that my profession is one that works within Human Services throughout the city. An occupation of the mind at times I reckon. So I’m keeping tonight’s Quick Easy Meals #simple

What I have here from local grocer: Black Diamond Cheese block $11(but it lasts a long time) Breton Crackers- Mediterranean, shaved turkey approximately 11 slices $3 a green toss with fresh Roma $6. Simple Picnic 🧺 dinner. #nofuss #nomess


This month i partook in a fundraising activity to assist in helping distribute fresh water to nations that do not have free access to so so. Todays first message is simple, be grateful we have this luxury. Remember to donate or speak up for a cause that speaks truest to your heart. I’ve done this a few times before and I stand by the charities that thrive to provide fresh water.

One of the best things I have found as of late, is something that has been right under my nose for a #long time! Facebook Market Place! Now again if you’re sitting there reading this and your like umm duh we know this 🙄 WELL ID LIKE TO REMIND YOU that I’m not out here spewing wisdom of the unknown!!

I am here sharing what Self Care & Self Love mean to me and share ideas of what I’ve done to randomly make me happy during times such as these.

BACK to marketplace! Ok so check out one of my favourite artists finds:

As I’m sure you’re seeing I am not a pro can’t download or upload LOL IDC LOL

So Nico bought the painting changed the canvas added some creative genius and created that painting mr. Carriage.

What I’m saying is marketplace is full of arty finds, rustic jewels and heck you can be cheap creative and fun all at once. #lifehack


So I will be asking Connormtrott to promote his well-being & wellness on here. I did want to share the easy quick recipes he was gracious to share with me, with you!

Nothing but admiration for some of the celebrity folks I follow and he is one! Say hi and heck say hi to him too. Check out the recipes and lets compare



So all I’ll bring up today is bOi you gotta get into that comfort food some times! Days can be #mental and YOU deserve some quick simple joys of comfort meals. NO they are usually not healthy. psssst guess what, that’s ok!

Fun meals can be found anywhere, but I have enjoyed some recipes from the above link. Tonight I bought a package of hotdogs and a box of Kraft dinner. Haha yup simple Simon quick and easy! That comfort meal will cost ya like $10 now a days haha, BUT so worth it!

Tell me your favourite comfort meals…. I also do picnic dinners

split pea and ham soup

and sometimes I jive a Grilled cheese 🧀


Quick Easy Meals Idea came from watching some people eat out all the time. I’ve heard excuses like no time, don’t know how to cook and not changing their consumption up ever!! #scarythought YUP these things I’ve heard, so I started to share on me Insta @nevetskarma the meals i make on a regular basis.

People started liking and commenting and that made me feel good. Even if they are just being nice. Quick Easy was true to form, not necessarily Healthy but #quick #cheap #easy

What you see above is a Teriyaki Lime Beef Stir Fry! Beef $8 Bag Wok Vegetables frozen $3 AT home I’d assume one has the pasta or rice but if not that’ll be $5 then marinate in your teriyaki sauce I use Kikoman Gluten-free Teriyaki Sauce

splash in some lime juice when your sizzling and of course some Italian spice and 🧄 There ya go!


One of the best life hacks I’ve learned over the last few decades is #trust in the OG

The Bay or Hudson’s Bay Company is not only one of my past careers it is also one of the absolute best gems for shopping I’ve ever had.

This picture was from the unique store in Banff Alberta. As I strolled through the boutique store I was captivated back to the memories I had while working there. Here’s what I tell everyone who literally does not know the excellence this store has to offer. One can literally find the cheapest sales as they have them almost every day! There are always bargain racks in every department. I kid you not!

Quality- Fashioned- Pocket Friendly.

I’ve gotten all from Bed & Bath, Soft Home small appliances kitchen needs shoes mens clothing all discounted. Clinique is in my opinion the best option in the beauty department but that’s just my opinion 🤤

Take a moment and take a stroll I promise you with a hint of curiosity you will find something you've secretly been searching for!


K this one is simple Simon makes me happy on the regular! Quick Easy Meal Idea 💡 QEMI ) get yourself some quality cut sirloin burgers usually $15 there should be about 8 or so in the box, so y’all have some for another meal. Pub fries $4 whip up some gravy add mushrooms to the burgers while cooking all in the oven! Less grease with quality food baked not fried or deep fried and add whatever spice you want!

i use garlic in every fuckin thing I make besides cereal! Trust me y’all love this simple delight and really what did you do whisk some gravy open and close an oven door?? Enjoy bOi or girl or human

So one of the BEST things I’ve been using is a secret I must share with y’all!! As some of you know or you’re catching on too, I am on a self care face journey. What is this? Well it’s a journey to improve how I look and yeS I wanted to do this for me!!

Love me Hate me bitch I’m still gonna shine!

This gives a POP to my eyes with its tint and shine. Lush is truly a game changer when it comes to natural beauty product. they were my first and I love them! $11 for this little jar of extreme happiness. Trust me you’ll love this.

Get at me if you’ve tried it or if you wanna try it. Picture for Picture of the finished product. 💋


This being a special day I made a special dish. QE meal of the month for me is a simple stir fry (again) I’m sure ….

Best meal haha that’s why I share it again. This one as you can see is a spicy Szechwan with hints of lime juice! The sauce is $5 the meat is $7 and the vegetables close to $8

Make it a night for your taste buds and it’s simple Simon stuff here folks! tell me what you think or share your stir fry ideas! Remember to join in with a comment which comes to my email and you’ll be entered in for the Bath and Body works $100 GC ☮️


Let’s get Italian shall we. I absolutely love Italian food, and so this post is strictly about one of my favourites. A ricotta spinach ravioli with homemade Bolognese sauce- crushed tomatoes in can that have spice in it. Fried hamburger goodness with lots of garlic and Italian seasoning. My special sauce for all my Bolognese sauces is soya sauce!

This cost a total of about $17 do it up tonight folks I promise tasty returns!

Below you will find a recipe for an absolute gem of a pesto pasta. You’re welcome 😇

oh and btw if you DM me on my Instagram

( after following me of course)

tell me what my secret ingredient is you win $25 to Loblaws to create this dish!


Fabulous people I have been cooking up a storm lately! I go into spurts of chef frenzy. Ha

so let me share with you my secret yet also alluding to a recipe I’ll share after this….

Uh HUH you guessed right those are limes! Prep your next HAM with pineapple juice in the dish with fresh cut limes stuck to the HAM

I cook my ham for 2 hours almost every time. I am a real well done meat kinda guy! The Lime Ham and pineapple juice cost $20 unfortunately due to rising food prices. However YOU must add on vegetable of choice as you see I did green beans. Then simple scalloped potatoes 🥔 🥔

Now for the absolute best recipe I’ve ever made and altered for my own taste- the Warm Pineapple Sauce recipe that is sure to satisfy your hunger desires:


  • 1 (20-oz) can crushed pineapple in juice

  • 1 cup brown sugar

  • 1 tablespoon mustard

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch

  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


  1. Whisk pineapple, brown sugar, mustard, lemon juice, cornstarch, and sea salt in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3 minutes until thickened. Serve warm.

  2. NOTE: If you're using this as a topping for sweet dishes, you'll want to cut the mustard way back or leave it out all together.

  3. Add in YOUR taste delight secret 🤫 I’ll tell you mine when you JOIN and message me 😜


Edmonton Alberta 15230 Stony Plain Road

get out there and thrift folks! Some amazing finds and almost all unique and vintage!

Ive told you about someone Special whim may create something super for this upcoming Christmas 🎄 Go check her out and others! I spent $30 last weekend and got a few collectables I will never part with!


This little addition to my daily routine has helped me feel silky smooth. I never would’ve known about something like this, if it wasnt for a family member who was like dude if you’re gonna wear foundation you need a primer. So there I go the next time I could and walked into

The women there were superb and instantly were like bOi we got you! I didn’t choose an expensive kind I simply said I’m trying this out and so I’ll do the cheapest. They suggested this and bam here I am. $20 and I love it and love Sephora!

Quick Easy Meals:

Tonight i Chef’d right the Fuck out! Follow these simple steps to enjoy a mouthwatering spicy Alfredo you won’t soon forget! 🍱

Marinated boneless chicken breast in spice with onions and hot sauce I cook for an hour cause I like it dry. $6 Linguine $4 Alfredo sauce $4 I need extra garlic so lots of that spice mixed into the sauce. Farmers Market got me a fresh orange pepper ( you must choose this one because of its sweet flavour which when cooked in with the sauce adds just the right pop) then I slice up some baby Roma’s uncooked and add it as a working garnish. The veggies total maybe $5

Of course Check out my profile on Yummly at

Hello y’all it’s not every day I update this section or any of the bottom 3 because I only want to share experiences as they occur with y’all! There is quite a lot happening on my end and I truly hope you’re joining in on the ride! Partnership with

thats coming in a day or so! of course check out the Yummly account:

So tonight’s epic meal is also on the Yummly account. It’s Pork Chops smothered in two soups Mushroom & Onion with loads of garlic of course!! The meal literally cost under $20 and was savoury to satisfy! Check it out on Yummly and let me know your thoughts!!

DONT FORGET TO SIGN IN AND SIGN UP ON THIS WEBSITE TO WIN A $100 Bath & Body Works gift certificate draw on July 15/22

Give yourself some credit, long days doing what only you can do out of your friends is a remarkable thing! What I mean is we each have a career or job and no two jobs are quite that a like. You get home you’re tired NO one Truly wants to cook. Yet here you are 👨‍🍳 here another Quick Easy Meal Idea for us fabulously special bOi & Gal

Aaloo Matar but my YUMMLY redirects you to Aaloo Ki Tahiri. i had this dish at the delectable Block 1912 check out my Insta for the full disclosure on that sitch YUMMMM is all I can say. And babe it’s quick and easy from my stand point. Now I’ll attach the Yummly recipe but here’s what I did with it for quick simple easy lemon Stevie dinner

Cook up a 2 cup thing of your fav rice heat up with spice frozen peas corn if you’d like as well mix in tomato paste and even crushed tomatoes for more liquid Spice to taste I don’t measure lol 😂 turmeric red chili pepper black pepper garlic a hint of all spice ( not a fan but good in this recipe) Heat it all up add it to cooked rice have some bread and 💥 bOi you got a dinner. Now this Yummly receipt will add chicken and potatoes if you desire and a few more spicy delights. Have fun and tell me your thoughts!

Numbers all meals and shopping techniques come in numbers. Cause we peel the paper back to afford- legit! Take the home town skillet made fresh at home for less than $15 a meal for two is how you do bOi

Fresh Focaccia from the market ( rosemary) to be exact. $7 Four Eggs with the yolk babe cause we like to eat! A sweet bell pepper yellow red or orange, $3 a fresh slice of ham from the deli master at your local deli $3 add in some spices ESPECIALLY GARLIC and bam bOi 💥 you got what you see ⬇️ be sure to thank me!!

Hey there y’all

So another CARBTASTIC meal 😂 cause remember I’m all about living and living yourself so EAT EAT EAT bOi

tonights master dinner will be Spicy Sriracha Garlicky Spaghetti 🍝 with a hint of my special combined spice! Quick and Easy cost $20 to buy the spaghetti meat sauce hamburger and fresh peppers onion and mushrooms!!!


Sabastian’s Special sauce brown sugar & Italian seasoning mixed with crushed basil 🌿 bon a petit


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