“Pass the speculum, Yes Doctor. Open her wide! Have you inserted the anesthetic Nurse? I really hope she did Doctor or I don’t think I can do this? You will be fine Ms. Storey. Oh my god what is that?? Why Ms. Storey it is a tenaculum, now here we go! She’s out Doctor! Finish it up then, I want her out of here and home to her soon to be husband with no cause for concern. Yes Doctor.” A cannula lay next to the lady, both lay naked on the bare metal operating table. Specs of blood paint a picture none there of. Imagine the song IRIS playing in the background as the Doctor and Nurse leave the lady unconscious.
“All of a sudden, the mechanics of the balloon stop and the balloon sways visibly in the air. The people begin to point, and concern comes over everyone’s face. Issac looks up at the balloon and then the balloon explodes in midair. The pieces of the basket crash into the ground and the balloon itself is incinerates in the sky! Horror and shock rapidly shake the people of the colony. Screams of terror and sadness overwhelm everyone. The counsellors begin to bring all the patients inside. Visitors scramble out of the courtyard. The terrace becomes a crime scene of doom. Issac catches the eye of Phideaux standing there smiling at him. Issac then realizes Phideaux did this! And instantly knows that Phideaux didn’t join the rest of them, but in fact must be working on a way to free he and his friend. Phideaux nods his head to Issac and quickly walks away. Issac smiles. Then a counsellor sees him and says boy why are you smiling? As the counsellor grabs Issac by the hand to force him inside and to tell Dr.DuGray No doubt! Phideaux Stabs the counsellor in the neck with a knife and the man falls dead to the ground. Issac escaped that day with the help of his friend, along with the preacher’s son. That Balloon disaster ended the colony and my time there as well. I ran and ran until I reached the Tropics of Nord. That’s halfway across the island Lago? Yes, I ran and ran. Here’s my stop, thanks for the ride, guy, catch ya later! Bye beautiful be safe!!”
He drove a Black Ford Bronco with a canopy back where some of the women would sit awaiting to jump up front to get out at their next trick. On that night he told that to Jessica, who we never seen again. Her body was found washed up along the Atlantic shoreline next to Santorini Isle. I know this because I was the girl in the back bed of the truck and hopped forward when she got out. Lago said that story to all the people who joined us. That’s the night Milo came to the ranch! How did you meet Lago, May?
It was summer a couple years back and I just got paid. A Nurse, I was. ….. Go on Ms. Springfield. My best friend Serena asked me out to PP. Pinch Pepper the club on Savage Garden Key Isle three. I went home and made dinner with Andre. Andre Johma, I presume. Yes, that’s him. We made butter chicken, well he made it as it was his family recipe. I suck at cooking. He poured some Rose| and we just talked. I brought up heading to PP, he thought it wasn’t a good idea because my ex would be there. I went anyway! So, I got ready, was slightly tipsy nothing crazy and I took a cab to the club. Serena was there, shyly wearing something from her mother’s gospel closet. I pulled her into the washroom in the club and provided her with an outfit made for the occasion. What was the occasion? Wednesday, that’s it…. it was Wednesday and we needed to drink. Anyway, so we rode the bar stools until the next hot guy would buy us shots. We had a rhythm at the club, we’d go in order a couple drinks. Take our usual spots at the end of the long wood mantle and wait. Men always came a calling when they could basically see our cunt from the entrance. ( the officer tilts his glasses at her comment) I mean we were wearing mini jean skirts and no panties everything was freeing and it made it easy to ride a guy in the bathroom Stahl. K, so this evening seemed off from the start. The place was packed and yet no one was approaching us. I call up my girlfriend Maureen and she comes with her girl Patty and still no men of any substance were coming to whisk us off our feet. Just to be clear this is Maureen Prescott correct? (Officer shows a picture to May, that makes May well up and nod) Continue Ms. Springfield.
That’s when Lago appeared. He stood at the middle of the bar [he calls it his stand] chatting up Jeff the bartender, and then looked our way. He had blue eyes clear skin, messy hair not long at that point. He wore the usual kakis and polo. Italian man you could see it in his smile, as he smirked catching my eye. He smoked New Port’s and that was a massive turn on. He walked up to us and asked if anyone has bought us drinks yet? “Why no they have not, but some have tried, and we turned them away! Now why would you do that? Well because they all seemed to have that dork appeal that we just are not into. Ahh, I see, so then maybe I should walk away. (Maureen grabs his arm) Oh god no, you’re good please STAY! Well, alrighty then ill have a seat. Jeff let’s get this table whatever they want. You see Jeff and I went to school together. You know Jeff the bartender? Yes, he also studied psychology. Wait, what? Then why is he a bartender (Patty says) (Maureen just sits there in shock of how beautiful Lago was) He tends bar because I own the bar and he is my friend. Does someone have a light? (May raises her lighter) Oh thanks and what is your name? My name is May, this is Maureen and Patty and that there is our gal, Serena. Hello to you all! (Lago gets up and kisses each of their hands) So tell me girls why are you all here looking for men when someone should have locked you up as a housewife by now! (Laughter all around occurs) Well maybe we are not all housewife material! There’s a fire in this one, I see. I don’t want to be a housewife, I don’t want to be my mama.
Who do you want to be miss Serena?”
It was in that moment, something changed in Serena she felt fire in her loins like a girlie girl from the forties. I had to snap her out of it! So I snapped my fingers and she snapped out of it. We drank and danced all evening with Lago, and even stand keeper Jeff. The night got long, and we ended up at Patty’s flat. Lago even had cocaine and everyone but Serena partook in this event. Did you all have sex? Well wow! That’s straight forward. No, we did not. Lago didn’t touch any of us. Patty fucked Jeff on the kitchen counter as we did lines and drank but that’s about it. Each Wednesday from there on we all would meet at PP and the party would happen all over again, same scenario each time. Yet each time, Lago would want to bring in more people. So, us girls would gather up some guys and sometimes Jeff would get other girls and the randoms would have sex. But Lago didn’t have sex with the girls, I cannot say for certain about some of those men but not any of my girls. You say your girls, were these other nurses? No, they were just random bar flies.
Tell me about Riddle Ranch…….
August eighth I recall was the first day we all went to the ranch, within hours we would all call it our home with Lago.
It had been a couple months as I said, and we all were pretty acquainted with one another. Lago was driving us around one afternoon when he jokingly brought up the idea of picking up people for money, and then using them and the money for a greater good. Jeff had been the one to say first that he could easily pick up a dude, who in turn would pay him for sexual services. Lago then presented the idea of a home for all the wayward people and we all just fuck around make money just live! It was another pay day, and I say this because we got paid like shit! To be in a hospital working for people who puked on us, threw things at us, yelled at us and we’d even have to be janitorial cause the system to cheap to pay for any help. Patty of course jumped up and said that if Jeff tried it, she would too. Lago presented the idea of a couple picking up thirds. Wayne Berry was his name, young twenty-year-old redneck making pay on the cattle herd between islands. Patty lit his cigarette outside the seven eleven and made small talk about the incredible weather on the mainland…...
“I reckon ill be heading back to the mainland with the rest of the crew in a couple weeks once we round up all the future Fast food. (they both chuckle, and then Jeff approaches from behind) Woa man, I don’t swing that way. (Jeff releases his fresh squeeze of Wayne’s bulge through his jeans) Well I’m thinking you might, since you been talkin to my gal here and she got you stiff. Uh, well fuck I am sorry I didn’t know. Don’t be sorry sweetie, Jeff is only kind of playing. Kinda?? What if we brought you to a ranch with animals, amazing views pretty people and the time of your life? I still don’t understand folks, I am just a crew hand here. A crew hand with a gigantic prospect of helping us make money. What would I have to do?”
The next thing you know the three of them are fucking in the back of Lago’s truck. They brainstorm and figure they can get people to pay for this and then they each went and picked up another person. Maureen, Serena, Lago and I watched from the diner across the way. Within an hour, Jeff & Patty and new comer Wayne with the big John picked up three other people and we all went back to what is known as Riddle Ranch. Now vibrant again with fresh flowers all Mediterranean and for whatever reason the new area has a moderate tropical temperature. It still is on the Island, but this area of the Island has been corrupted by chemicals and testing from the numerous scientists who have attempted to replicate the works of Dr. DuGray. There is also a geographical explanation of the space in which this occupies. The climate on Connor’s Island specifically the Xavier Camp, varies greatly and is dependent on a specific location's proximity to the coast, altitude, and its north-south and west-east orientation. Winds from the Pacific Ocean tend to alleviate hot summer temperatures, as well as cold winter weather. As we were driving across the bridge from the Keys to the mainland Lago made mention to everyone that this would be a trip like no other. We felt as though this had to have been what it was like in the sixties with all their sex, drugs and rock and roll. ‘Jeremy’ played on the radio and Lago made everyone listen. We entered the ranch from the far east side of the camp. You could still smell the chemicals from that chemical fire all those years ago. Hot, like a serious hot summer night it was and we all felt it. The gardens presented as a tropic of sorts, with rare flowers and hovering trees. A mist of rain could be seen in the distance, yet I don’t think it rained. Lago gave us a brief tour of the main areas, the old main building had been turned into a resort type feature with modern rooms, art, private baths and spa area. There were staff here, and they worked around us. We were not to speak to the staff, and they didn’t speak to us. Separated, I recall all of us being separated. This is where the night gets fuzzy.
“Hi my name is Alan Von Trouse. Well hello Alan, why oh why did you come on this trip? They made it seem like fun and an escape from my normal. What’s your normal Alan? I’m a lawyer. A lawyer? Yeah, is there a problem with that? No and I mean im sorry I don’t even know what all were doing here to be honest. (May laughs nervously) The art in this main space is truly amazing, I see work from Dana Dawn the still painter from buffalo. Didn’t she disappear in that plane crash? Yes, she did, I represented her family when they filed her estate. Ok that’s creepy lets maybe go to a different room, with the others. Wait, May, is it? Yes? Could I get a kiss? What do you think I am a whore Mr. Trouse? No, I mean umm. Well Im not (she chuckles again) but you/we are here for a good time so why not, just a little kiss. You have a very dry mouth mister, damn been a while I see. Umm well I am nervous; I don’t usually stray from the wife. What now, holy fuck I can’t man. (May goes to leave the main area) Wait there’s some wine, can we at least have a glass together May? Well fine, but we are not having sex you’re married! (They drink the wine)
Jeff is it? Yeah man, and you again are Gregory Hayes. Greg you can call me Greg. How old are you dude? Seventeen! Why are you here Greg who is Seventeen picked up from Pinch Pepper Night Club where the owner could be shut down for having a minor in there?! Fuck are you gonna tell him man? (Jeff leans down and grabs the boy the scruff of his neck, and pulls him into a slippery tongue kiss) Nah, I am the owner. Wow man, this is fucking awesome. Here have some wine kid!
Patty Zylstra is the name, and I am a pizza delivery chick by day and well I live well let’s say that, and you two are? Harriet Kirk and my husband Kalvin Kirk. Yes, dear we are gonna pay you very good to rejuvenate our love life young lady. (Patty felt sick to her stomach because of their age being far greater than hers, yet she dropped her skirt and gave gram’s and paps a glimpse of how the night was going to go) Oh dear I best have some of that wine, may I? Shit I didn’t even know there would be wine, yes lets drink!!”
Now Wayne had found his own way with slight guidance from Lago out onto the grounds and into the gardens. A bottle of Leck Creek’s finest was available at every standstill, including the gardens and pool area. The pool is where Maureen went. Lago disappeared with Serena.
“So, Miss Serena, have you ever been touched by an Italian? Touched, like kissed or fingered? Damn, straight shooting girl, here I thought you were all namaste and shit. (Serena grabs a bottle of wine and begins to pour it) No lets have tea instead, I don’t want you forgetting about this night. I thought we came here too…. Some did maybe, I want to get to know all of you but especially you. Why? Let’s say it’s your red hair that catches my eye. Ahh, you know you’re kinda strange Lago. Strange, well yeah probably some would say. Can I tell you something? Ok, sure. (Lago has a servant pour their tea. He takes a sip and Serena follows suit) At age eight I was dropped off at a place called the Colony. Counsellors all wore white and people bowed to the pastor and his wife. The Pastor would make everything sound amazing in life, he also promised change in those who were wayward. He believed himself to be empathetic to those in need and challenged those who needed behavioral adjustments. So what he and his family along with close family ties did was drug children and make them change their behavior via psychedelics. He drugged and manipulated people and made their behavior change? Yes, the Doctor on site created her version of LSD, they would pump up enough of this into a starving, sun ridden deprived child until the child lost all sense of who they were and constantly acted on par to their new drug cocktail which made them basically walking zombies or psychopaths. This place sounds made up Lago. (He walks Serena down the steps leading to a pond all boarded up) I am going to move some brush here and when I do, please don’t be alarmed. ( As Lago moves the leaves, and broke down twigs ‘The Colony’ is nameplated) Omg this is that place? You brought us to a nightmare of yours? My Mama may have been right, there are some bad people in the world. Wait Serena you don’t understand, please wait a moment. You see I escaped, I ran and ran until I ended up in an orphanage. I became a psychologist and followed in the steps I believe were laid out for me. Hence why I work at the hospital and know of you and May accidentally on purpose running into you at the bar. The bar you own too. Something about all of this is far too scary, I want to go. Wait, please one more moment. Why? Because Serena I was called back here with a gift I gained from here all those years ago. With this calling to be reverend of sorts, I developed what I call Lago’s Law: ‘All Night you lie with me, a comforting Angel. Dream a little dream with me. Walk with me! Dance with me! Be one with me! See the Shine in thee! Lilith and Lago! Lilith and Lago!! Dream a little dream for we!! Rise! Rise! Become me!!’
( they walk to their terrace. Lago raises his right hand and then his left as though to wave at the dimming sky light. It was in this moment Serena fell under Lago’s spell. Light appeared to have shined down from the creeping dusk into what appeared to be a star hovering over the hill. Lago could summon the Shine)
May turns on the cd player to Pearl Jam’s Alive: “Son she said ‘ have I got a little story for you. What you thought was your daddy was nothing but a…. While you were sitting home alone at age thirteen your real daddy was dyin. Sorry you didn’t see him, but im glad we talked” Lago played this the very next morning as we were all woke to this song blaring on the sound system. Did he explain what the importance of this song was to him, to you guests? Guests, we were the beginning of the family or the empire as Lago would call it eventually.
That day began a little differently then what we were used too. Something magical happened that night and all of us felt like we walked the stars. Serena came out to the patio where we had brunch served with more wine and explained the powers, she seen that Lago had. Alan spoke up about defending a case that was brought about after the testing of the LSD on patients at the site a few years back. The client exemplified Psychokinesis and demonstrated similar behavioral patterns. He won against the State of Connor’s Island! Harriet then testified to the group that she believed in what the Colony did back when, as it changed some of her grandchildren for the better. Though there were pitfalls from some of the patients Kalvin stated. The whole fact that they were patients is what scared me. Even though I was feeling fantastic, and the money were beginning to make from these friends/clients/fam..ily members was great I still had my doubts. Yet you stayed in the “Family” for five years Ms. Springfield?
As mentioned earlier the days began to fly by, and soon we all had given up our flats on the Third Island. Moved our way to the mainland onto Riddle Ranch. Lago hadn’t been seen in over a month after demonstrating his ability to Serena. The team believed, I believed and so we believed in all Lago had to offer us. Every day we refused to listen to the radio, watch the news or even venture far from any actual plan besides hustling people. Some people would come do their thing and attempt to call out some of the oddness which was Riddle Ranch, and they were banished. Some people we seen and then they disappeared, but reappeared later as though they had no voice of their own anymore? It was all the LAWS. The scripture Bowl was passed around daily and when each person became permanent they received this tattoo (shows the officer and reporter her marking a moon half atop of a cross) People would go up to Lago’s terrace and are to be believed to have sexually given them selves to him to show submission to his Law. The Family as I mention were us now, and anyone who didn’t belong simply disappeared. I know my outside or real family didn’t even know I was at Riddle Ranch, I guess in ways I was considered…. A wayward! It was Lago’s effortless wit and slick presence that let people indulge in him and his fruitfulness of the outside world. We continued to drink the wine. The Dramatics song ‘The Devil is Dope’ I recall playing as I watched the terrace of Lago’s night after night while I let strange men leach to my skin. Night after Night!
As it went the ranch became bigger and bigger with close to ten people arriving daily from the tricks, we all pulled. Wayward folk all looking for some sort of a chance at a new life. Lago provided warmth, comfort healing. Oh yeah and money, drugs wine and sex. Harriet and Kalvin actually picked up other older folks who came to the ranch and helped harvest. Wayne and Greg brought the young men and they mainly served them and Lago when he would call for them. Patty stuck with Jeff but they met someone who proved to be quite the trailblazer. Dale Phoenix a young black girl, the only black person at the ranch actually. She bed hopped a few people but stuck with Jeff and Patty in their quarters. Dale, a street-smart prostitute who grew up on the back lots of Ronaldo Flats. (This is the slum neighborhood, basically town of Connor’s Island) She told her story to be one of crime and passion mistakes based on survival. She was one tough bitch. She brought a lot of people to the Ranch, so much so that Lago for whatever reason granted her Warrior status. What is that? (Says the officer) Third in command! Hierarchy of the Ranch was simple, initiation was seeing how well someone could get people to pay for a show, sexual or otherwise. Then to get them to give up everything they own to the cause. Yes, the cause was creating a community where we could all heal by the light and guidance of Lago’s Law. The Disciple’s were the newer folks, but they had an unbeknownst leader in Eric. The priests were designated to Harriet and Kalvin. Us the main folks I, Serena, Patty & Jeff, Wayne and Maureen were considered the Arch Lectors. Everyone had their role I guess, but mainly we all participated in bringing in the money to live. Alan had an interesting role as he seemed to take a backseat as some sort of advisor for Lago, I didn’t see him much.
“The camera focuses from a distance showing what was the old and abandoned Colony of Doctor Lucy DuGray. Now vibrant again with fresh flowers all Mediterranean and for whatever reason the new area has a moderate tropical temperature. It still is on the Island of Connor. This area of the Island has been corrupted by chemicals and testing from the numerous scientists whom have attempted to replicate the works of Doctor DuGray. People gather in the terrace area around the rock garden and study "Lago's Law" from the Scripted Literature. Jagger Tortorella slowly created what he believed to be the truth from his visions. The visions in which he could never escape from when he was a prisoner of this very place years before. An ill fated Balloon Ride changed the fate of young Jagger Tortorella. He escaped and built a life for himself in the real world. Mastered Psychology and even taught for a semester at Connor's Island College.
Now he has returned to the Ranch. Returning as Lago a Monogynous individual with a cracked mind once again.
Don't include the cracked mind bit, people will begin to think I may be a few bricks short of a load! Uh.. yes sir ill edit it out. Now does the camera angle capture the essence of the land here? Mr. Tortorella, besides the stone wall I see the swamp behind it. I know you see the swamp! There is also the broke down trees, with vibrant life sprouting from their oracles. Do you see the shine beaming down on them Eric? I do sir! I want the people to see the light. I want them to feel the shine. It is that shine that will bring them to life while here at the ranch! Yes sir! pon eso en el folleto! Yes sir!"
Eric had to search up what Jagger just said, and discovered he needed to put that swamp photo on the pamphlet. The Spanish Jagger spoke, was broken. The swamp bubbled from the chemicals tested on this part of the Island. The area had worn down buildings, and it was clear to the images Eric caught on his video recorder that the area was a camp of some sorts. This camp had laboratories and white rooms. Blood-stained halls in one building and an over all feeling of death. There was no shine, that Eric could see! Eric Warner was a student at Connor’s Island University (CIU) studying to become a reporter. Yes I know of Eric (said the reporter taking notes on the session with the officer and May) You know Eric? Ms. Springfield keep to the story please…. According to Eric
Jagger stands at the entrance of the cell block area of the "camp" and recalls seeing the son of the preacher man being tortured here years ago.... He would preach the gospel of change through medication. The change that would ignite the earth as one solid humanity, or so the preacher said. The guests (campers) which is what they were deemed as or troubled youth needing to find their way; would become the best version of themselves. Plagued by night terrors, these memories and the truth didn’t escape Jagger. The walk down the cell block corrupts his mind each night of deep sleep. Charleston Xavier was one of the main guinea pigs for the serum Dr. DuGray concocted, daily doses sometimes 3 times a day as his father watched. Brett & Verna Xavier (Preacher & wife) did nothing to save their son. The flash back image of Charleston being strapped to a wall gurney and injected with the LSD and the violent bursts he would endure from to much injected drugs caused him to spiral worse and worse each time Lucy tested a stronger version. Tears fall from the innocent boy’s face; Jagger remembers feeling lucky and spared some how. He clutches his hands, concealing his own little baggie of terror! When did Eric tell you this, May? Yesterday and that’s when I discovered that Lago wasn’t Lago at all!
Dale, as I said had her own inclinations on what she wanted her group to do to contribute and it all wasn’t that savory. Small heists happened and people were robbed. Some of her group didn’t return to the ranch and no one asked questions if you know what I mean? No May, I do not please explain. She was believed to have killed them if they didn’t perform. I see. This evening Lago appeared from the balcony and all the people of the ranch got to see him, as this was rare. He thanked everyone for their service and contributions to a better life for all of us. He waved his hands and made the Star appear from what was believed by all to be the Garden Sun Dial responding to Lago’s request for light. Dale brought back a young man named Milo Mann. Yes, this is the day Jessica wasn’t seen again. Yes officer, please put two and two together. Are you saying you believe Lago had something to do with Dale’s friend Jessica? That’s exactly what I am saying Officer. Hmmm (the officer makes notes and so does the reporter)
Dale met Milo at a dealer’s house. He was entrapped for a payment not made by a customer. It was said at the time that Dale paid off the dealer, everyone vacated the home and the dealer simply packed up and left Ronaldo Flats. Milo came home with Dale. This is where things begin to get a little warped. Now it gets warped? (Says the reporter who is looked at by the officer in a way to not speak again!) Washed a shore the next day was Jessica’s body. Milo had been kept in Lago’s quarters, and Serena came down to the gardens in from what I could see a terrible mood. Serena spent most of her time with Lago, learning his law. She explained how the law would transform her. She cited a dream:
“ A while ago I had a dream, I was standing in a crowd in he bowels of some ancient church built on a temple. Candles were lit all around me, the air was pubescent bird relic for their time. A High priest in black robe next to the altar draped in white cloth. Next to that a built scarcely deep well yet overflowing with water. A throng of peasants chanted as the candlelight grew strong by Lago! He was the high priest, he watched as I watched two people bring out a young child in white. He sat at the altar and the priest revealed a knife that shined in the light of Lago, while he recited Lago’s Law. ‘To be one with all, is to raid one another of the shallowness which corrupts us all. We live to be better, endeavor greatness but always at a price! Behold the light of the law produced by Lago. Give your all or be outcast into society norms!’ He slit the child’s throat ear to ear and pushed him into the well. The white cloth went with the child, changing from white to red and back to white again. An owl then rose from the well water as if flying through air, Lago’s light transformed the Owl into a woman. I turned around as did the image and my red hair glint in his light of his. I had become the owl. I had become Lilith, banned from the garden of good and evil and reborn here at Riddle Ranch.”
Serena believed she was the incarnation of Lilith the primordial she- demon from the bible. I stood up and couldn’t understand what was happening. After all the debauchery we had gone through. Robbing people, having sex for money with strangers and then taking them back her so they could give all their life’s worth to this ranch. A man who could create light as a defect of chemical injections years ago. People disappearing and a deranged drug addict whore who murders people gets her own part of the ranch! It was all becoming to fucking weird for me. She stopped me from leaving her side as she went on to explain her terrible mood. I sat back down, now afraid of the surroundings I have been keeping. I looked around and only one person was watching us and that was Dale. She held a knife to her side as though she was ready to attack, but from a far. Serena explains that tonight there will be a sacrifice of a young man, who coincidentally is surnamed Mann. It’s the prophecy Lago believes to be true, much like he believed what Pastor Xavier and Dr. DuGray attempted to do with his own son. I stood up and realized it was going to be the young, captured Milo.
“ I didn’t want to believe it, but Lago said you’d become less eager lately. She even stopped drinking the wine and partaking as of late, haven’t you May? Dale this is none of your business let me chat with my friend alone. No, I want Dale here, she believes in Lago! Dale is a drug addict and a killer Serena, and Lago oh my he is a far cry from a god if that’s what he’s led you to believe! May, you were my friend. You encouraged me to give Lago a chance and I did and for that I am forever grateful because he is showing me my full potential. My Mama warned me that in life a miracle would happen, and it has I am becoming who I was meant to be; ‘Dearest my sweet Serena, I wish you to be greater than I as a woman. Do more in life than become who I was, simply your father’s wife. Be special! Be kind! Most of all trust with your eyes, your heart will find its way I promise you. Guided by faith you shall be and the Law of every righteous person will find you wholeheartedly. A miracle you were, and you too will find a miracle in life! Rise to the moon always my baby girl!’
You are becoming a victim of a mad doctor!”
It was then I realized Lago or Jagger was repeating his torture from years before but with us! He had become the Doctor, but of different status. Some how he made us all believe?
Serena stuck a needle in my neck, which made me become increasingly drowsy. I watched as Maureen came running to my rescue in shock. Then I watched Dale push Maureen into the swamp. That’s where she died…. I awoke in this new room id not seen before and the scene was set just as Serena described in her dream. Torches, candles a stadium of people watching and reciting Lago’s Law. Lago entered the stage like vantage point and the crowd of the empire cheered for light! I was tied to a chair and there were two beakers filled with wine next to me. Serena came onto the platform dressed in white. Dale brought out a naked Milo. Young and quivering he knew he went from one hell house to another, and this could be it.
“ A sacrifice must be made for the prophecy to come to life. Lilith guides my soul and with her is how I escaped all those years ago. I thought id lost her, until I met this beautiful young wounded woman one fateful night at a bar. All alone, really because her friends… well her friends (The crowd cheers as Jeff brings out a lifeless Patty and presents her to the crowd) they were never really her friends. Look at how they’ve disappointed her, and I!? Please Jago, don’t hurt May!! She can be redeemed we can make it so!! Wayne, you act out in the most in opportune time my boy! Jeff…... (Jeff removes Wayne from the relic room) Dale my warrior who have you brought us? I have brought you the virginal, pure Milo. A castaway from his adopted family to protect a biological child of theirs from harm. An orphan in the same home you, our leader once held status. Ahhhh yes the orphanage, where I escaped and made a new life. You see everyone, life finds a way and it does come full circle. Hence, we are here and the god I worship is the queen of hell itself and tonight she will rise again in Serena Storey! Remove his gag, Dale! (Crowd cheers) Please Lago, sir I beg of you I don’t want to die!! Then you should’ve ran like Lago kid (Dale says)”
As Dale raised her knife, Serena turned around in sort of an awe like moment. She seemed stunned by the calling of her name, as her name is Serena O’Hara. Her mother was Serena Story and she died while giving birth to her! Eric rushes the stage and pushes Dale off her stance. I get untied from Alan, and he disappears into the crowd. Lago calls for stillness as the crowd seems put off by the interruption of ceremony. Dale wrestles Eric with her knife, I approach and throw a candle onto her face. I watch her squirm and scream for her face which was being burned off by the second. I help Eric up and he takes her knife. Lago and Serena have disappeared. Milo is cornered by the screaming Dale, swiftly he takes the cane which held a torch and collides it into her abdominal area. Eric cuts the straps hoisting the torches above. The stage catches a blaze and the crowd feverishly attempt to escape. The doors to the “tomb” were locked from the outside, meaning all would perish. Eric grabbed my hand and led us beneath the stage to where Lago entered the tomb and stood above everyone in his glory. We escaped the tomb hidden behind the statue of Mary in the gardens. It was there Eric told us of the truth behind Jagger Tortorella and his mission here. Lago confided everything in him, and he knew he had to escape. As we approached the end of the Gardens, we come to the cliff side. Jeff appears there as well.
“Jeff what did you do? I followed orders from my boss, and you two decided to play hero. You were never one of us, were you? You should’ve drank the wine May! What was in the Wine, more of the drugs Jagger- yes Jagger put in it! I told her everything Jeff, including how you guys used mass amounts MDMA into the wine to get us all to perform. Oh my god he was trying to be like that Doctor from the past. He was? You speak of him as though he is gone and will not continue with this mission? Well friends, you wont be leaving my stand ( he waves his arms around revealing a gun) this time. Its time to pay up for all those drinks, and all those people you used to buy you things. Pretty things, like this ranch. This home and all you have because you stole from people and now you’re trying to cut off the hand that feeds you. (A shot is fired and hits Eric in the chest, he falls wounded to the ground) WHY JEFF, WHY!? Hand him over May, or you’re next!”
Milo leaves my side at this point, and willingly goes to Jeff. Jeff raises his gun and aims toward me. I close my eyes and all of a sudden, a shot is fired. He missed me, and I open my eyes just to see Milo standing there with Erics knife covered in blood. He swiped Jeff ear to ear. We go to Eric and he tells us to run, he would find a way. But surely im sure he died. Milo and I jumped over the cliff and into the Atlantic and that’s how you found us.
“And Id give up forever to touch you…. Cause I know that you feel me some how!
All I can taste is this moment. All I can breathe is your life. When everything’s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am!
[ Serena read this on a note left for her by a fleeting Lago. Tears trinkle down her cheek bones]
“And you cant fight the tears that aint coming. All the moment of truth in your lies. You bleed just to know your alive! I don’t want the world to see me, cause I don’t think that they’d understand!” ‘Your Mother birthed you as a miracle. You are Lillith my miracle, you always have been!’
“When everything’s meant to be broken……
I just want you to know who I am!” ‘Your brother Lago’
The Doctor and Nurse walk away from the exam room. Young Jagger peaks into see his mother laying there, yet unharmed. Dr. DuGray startles him with a hand upon his shoulder. She whispers in his ear. “One day you will find peace with your sister, together you will be one great power of light!” You see the abortion was not completed on the young victim of rape in the colony. Jagger hadn’t known his mother to be with sin. He had known her to be with the empire that was the colony. Jagger runs on that day of the balloon crash to fulfill the imagined dreams of the Doctor, the sin of his mother and the hope of re-birth of his sister. The Doctor was a god to him, she saved his sister from death. Ms. Storey believed to have removed the unwanted child. She then believed in the power of immaculate conception of a mythological god named Lago. She then died during childbirth.
Thank you for telling us about Lago/Jagger and the Riddle Ranch Ms. Springfield. Of course. Now can I please go home, or call my family? Im sorry Ms. Springfield, but everything you told us is imagined by yourself during what I am afraid is what is called psychosis due to your extended narcotic use. (The Officer shows the newspaper clipping high lighting the murder of her friends and local bar tender) I don’t understand? Doctor Tortorella, please come in. (May jumps out of her seat and tries to run from the interrogation room) May! Please calm down, I have you here as a precautionary because of what you did due to your substantial drug use. Please release her into my care now that you have heard her delusions, we can continue our therapy of the poor girl. Yes Doctor. No wait a minute! He is lying to you! I am NOT the crazy person here!! NO- STOP- PLEASE OH MY GOD NO!!
The officer handcuff’s May for transportation, as Doctor Tortorella injects her with a very familiar feeling. He winks at her as she falls into submission. As she is being assisted out of the interrogation room she sees Eric hugging Ben Dawn (the reporter) Eric pretends to be scared of May. May is discharged into Dr. Tortorella’s care at the DARE Facility (Dane Asylum Residential Entity) across the Island in Kinney Cove.
The camcorder plays on the interrogation table, showing the police search what May called Riddle Ranch to find nothing resembling the modern luxurious cult she spoke of. In the distance though if you really looked you could see the statue of Mary on a hidden wall half open!
Thank you for sharing your music and words: ‘The Goo Goo Dolls- Iris’ ‘ The Dramatics – The devil is dope’ ‘Pearl Jam – Alive & Jeremy’ ‘The Mamas & The Papas- Dream a little Dream of me’ Wikipedia Lillth origin
Empathic Manipulative Promiscuous Imbecile Reverend Echo