“Picture this my friend: A hot night - mid summer, two dogs playing in the tennis courts across from us as we picnic. One dog is a German Shepard, and the other is a Catch dog. I only catch glimpses of them and their owners. I proceed to open the bottle of wine I had purchased for our night in the public space under what would soon be the stars. He was an uncanny image of Pazuzu, an old god. I began to ignore my partner of the evening and stare at this man; I felt a general sense of needing him! Brown skin, Lebanese decent slender with dreamy eyes. Oh, Eric his eyes were so powerful that night, I was instantly hooked! Then there were the noise making hounds that corrupt forms of evil I do not engage in. I walked up to the man who owned the German Shepard and shot him dead. Andre turned round and was startled yet mystified instantly with me. I shot and killed each dog one by one, the yelp enlarged in the night breeze. My partner disappeared into the forthcoming dusk. Andre stood there, id say he was captivated by the silence. I fed him wine!”
She sits there, in a room wallpapered yellow and black. Guided by her brush, pen or charcoal she creates. Canvas, sketch books or plain paper on an easel. Her house phone rings, and she proceeds to let it ring to voice mail. Enthralled in the seconds she is, invested in the still of a honeycomb collection. On her third floor of the flat she owned a massive beehive enriched itself amongst the marigolds she grew. Since the flat had to be reached via the second floor of a hilltop property, her flat touches the skyline of the city. She wore on this day blue jean overalls, with a turquoise blouse. White polka dot runners and her hair long and wavy, blond pure blond hair. All around her studio floor were collections of her works. Not creative with word, but with still life. It was floor to ceiling her rumored finished pieces, and un-finished collections with secret projects as well. Though the honeycomb seemed to captivate her mind during this session. A sip of an afternoon delight, a pill and she was all in now. Her work would be the night, she’d potentially return to the real life in about six hours. The actual bees on the balcony swarm into the flat and away from the nectar.
During dawn, she awakes bitten all over. Eyes covered in scab and barely visual objects make little to no effect on her sight. A silhouette figure picks her up and carries her out of the infested space!
“What brings you here lad? (a boy stands at the entrance of Brooke Orphanage. Torn pant, ragged shoes a white dirty t shirt) I had no where to go mam. Where did you come from child? (He points behind him) Dear mercy child, come in come in! (The rain crashes down in amongst the trees) Here wear this robe after you undress from the soaked garments. We need to get you warmed up. My name is sister Melissa, what is yours? I am called Jagger.”
The Tropics of Nord is a hot rain forest on the island of Connor. Much like the mysterious temperature of Riddle Ranch, this part of the island inhabits all the earthly desires of gods projected Eden- some say! Young Jagger has arrived at the only place he would know to call home, for the next ten years. On his eighteenth birthday he would be free to leave on his own will, much like how he came to be at the orphanage. A liking was taken towards the young boy, as he seemed particularly fascinated with the earth, sand and gardens of the tropics. He spent most of his time learning from the priests that roam the orphanage learning their gospel. His belongings at arrival were sorted and placed next to his cot at first and then mounted in his own room he received within a year of arriving at the orphanage. Silent nights meant secret retreats with some priests! Day after followed by a rabbit being found tortured out back by the rose bushes. A peculiar sight every other week, and no sister of the cloth could understand. Must’ve been an omen of sorts. Mounted on his own shelf in his own room was a red velvet cloth piece, a wooden bowl with scripture and a picture of a valley with white horses and a wishing well. These items young Jagger held dear to his heart. Some nights were harder than others with visions of the cell block that was the colony. New nightmares would follow, and soon even more dreamscapes would entertain his young corrupt mind. Soon she would appear in his dreams and then in his room. A vision of his sister he believed. A vision of Lilith.
Jagger would make three friends while growing up at the Brooke. One named Bronte, a chubby little girl who seeped essence of joy. Carl Hoy, a young Vietnamese boy who had been found wandering the Nord. Also, he met Carrington Mann another lost soul quite like his. Carrington was found on the orphanage’s doorstep in a basinet, some believed him to be the angel of the Brooke as he was always glistening in the light. Pure and joyous, a complete opposite of how young Jagger presented. Dark, emotional, and tainted by what the colony had done to him. Therefore, the priests took a liking to him, well one of the reasons. Jagger could envision the stories they told. Jagger also was a scoundrel of sorts; he consistently went into the liturgy library at the Brooke and read back lot scriptures. The back lot scripture he found was deemed to be entity of evils. These would be the scriptures Jagger would recite and become known to attempt to invent. The scriptures resembled the bowl inscriptions he already possessed. A bowl he was given by a lost counsellor running for her life that dreadful balloon day. The back lot scriptures helped him read what was being spoken to him in life and in his dreams. Lilith began to make sense.
Lilith appeared to Jagger nightly now, and after understanding more he began to converse with her night after night. She promises to help Jagger, and one day escape but with purpose. Lamia, sorcery and fang are depicted in the scriptures. Meanings Jagger devoted himself to knowing. Enduring nights of sodomy, led to privileges such as entry to the liturgy library and access to the often refuted back lot scriptures which included the Vulgate book of Isaiah. Jagger believed in the ancient writings because of the very real visions of Lilith. ‘The lamiae, the striage, the sorcerers whom they accused of sucking the blood of living people, and of the thus causing their death, the magicians who were said to cause the death of new-born children by charms and malignant spells are nothing less than what we understand by the name vampires; even were it to be owned that these lamiae and striage have really existed…’ (1) Jagger believed himself to be sparred, and brought to life in the Nord. How did he make it to the Nord from across the Island, no one knew? Jagger believed he was guided by this angel, Lilith.
A sorcerer of sorts is how Jagger would see Father Rowe, the main priest who had taken a liking to him. A trick he learned real well was that of holding a metal plated mirror. Small enough to fit in the cusp of the hand, whereas to hide. They would walk out to the fields at dusk and Father Rowe would raise his hand to the simmering sun and basking dull moon. Light would strike the mirror at four angles and highlight up or down from the Skyfall and it appeared to be brilliant visions of shine. Really all it was, was light captured on the mirror and projected off four metal mirrored poles in the field where the scarecrows keep watch! A trick indeed, from a sorcerer of sorts.
Soon Jagger would invent the verse which would become his law, with the help of his little young friends; ‘To be one with all, is to raid one another of the shallowness which corrupts us all. We live to be better, endeavor greatness but always at a price! Behold the light of the law produced by Lago. Give your all or be outcast into society norms!’ Jagger was outcasted from the Colony as became to believe. Lago was the name Lilith called him in his sleep. The price was the blood of animals………. At first.
“And Id give up forever to touch you…. Cause I know that you feel me somehow!
All I can taste is this moment. All I can breathe is your life. When everything’s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am!
[ Serena read this on a note left for her by a fleeting Lago. Tears trinkle down her cheek bones]
“And you can’t fight the tears that aint coming. All the moment of truth in your lies. You bleed just to know your alive! I don’t want the world to see me, cause I don’t think that they’d understand!” ‘Your Mother birthed you as a miracle. You are Lilith my miracle, you always have been!’
She paused and looked around. The staff had all fled a while back. The family that she helped created seemingly abandoned their home. Their home of richness, delight, and peace. The place she felt the most loved and comforted by the unseen presence of her mother. Though as she paused and looked amongst the burning down tomb, Serena remembered Lago calling her by her mother’s name. The effects of the wine were wearing thin. Flighty and weary she began to stumble. She needed a drink and steadily, she managed her way into the main house. During the mad rush out of the ranch people broke many a thing, including wine bottles. Serena crippled herself to the ground when she realized all the wine was gone. Trembling with waterfall sockets she proceeded to lick the liquid from the floors. This spot covered in broken glass and dusted purposely with methylamphetamine by a watchful silhouette. Serena didn’t want to feel as she once had, and the ever-present withdrawal creeped up until this point. Addicted but none the wiser, she caressed her tongue with shards of glass. Her demeanor gave in to the promiscuity of devilish intent of the drug. Her body collapsed with the overdose of spectacle.
Serena’s body was found in the middle of the road five days later in Savage Garden Key’s town of Hayes. She lay there until run over by a citizen and then awoken in Casper Cove. For the first few days she was nonverbal, and she couldn’t focus. The Doctors and nurses kept watch over the young fire haired dame. She was tattered, broken and a medically proven substance abuser who obviously had lost her way. Nurse Melissa was by her bed side constantly. Water feeding, and soup sipping Nurse Melissa would be her personal recovery coach. Different books were brought in and left there for Serena to look at, and different gowns were prepared for a new daily refresher in bed. As her legs were broken, and curiously enough so was her jaw. The vehicle only caused the breakage of legs, her jaw must have been damaged along her painful way to the road the staff figured. Day after day, Serena would stare out the window and onto the Red Sea which is the Mediterranean. The Savage Garden Keys connect to the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. It was as though the sea spoke to her, but she no longer understood.
Father Rowe was not only a man of the cloth but a firm believer in reincarnation. The spirits would always rise again he recited to young Jagger. The backlot scriptures also came with a brilliance of ancient waters so to speak. Amphorae recovered from some major shipwrecks of the Mediterranean. Father Rowe had collections of them hidden in the orphanage. Dated to second century B.C.E. (2) he called them Ustica Blood. Ruins from an old island that once was home to Mesopotamian demons or so the tale goes. The gift of sight came from the Ustica Blood- the wine. The Amphorae were known to none but Father Rowe, his wife and now the chosen Jagger. Jagger would spend hours reading and discussing his visions, and Father Rowe would teach the sorcery believed to be associated with the sibyl of Lilith. Soon Jagger discovered he could raise snakes from the garden, and his sacrifices of other animals was no longer enough. Visions began to corrupt his mind, to the point of his first ultimate sacrifice young Hoy.
An evening dinner party occurs in her home. Guests include Andre Johma, May Springfield, Tempest Javier, Cecily Reeves, Ben Dawn, Phillip Damian, the Imbecile Frank and Doctor Tortorella to name a few. “AMEN” plays by Toderick Hall in the background signifying that this night is going to be quite different than others. Statues of roman mythology and the Messapian period flow through the second floor of her flat.
“So, this is my boyfriend Andre. It is very nice to meet you Ms. Dawn. Thank you, please call me Dana. Sure, thing Dana, your home its brilliant. All original work I am proud of. How long have you been creating? Id say May since I came alive truly in this form a decade or so ago. Came alive? Yes, Andre I am what people of today would call a retro hippie or feminist depending on whom you ask. (The three of them laugh a little)
This one is one of my favorites of Dana’s (Dr. Tortorella points to the canvas for Tempest & Cecily to see) I see its titled ‘Glory of the fungus poppy & hare’ Tempest its an art from her childhood dream collection, and priced? This is not for sale ladies; the evening is for you all to familiarize yourself with her works. To breathe in the very essence of who Dana Dawn is, how she lives what exhilarates her. Don’t forget Jagger, that its also to get to know the incomparable me! (Dana interrupts the conversation) It is so nice to meet you, Dana! Thank you and to you Cecily, I hear your father’s gallery is hoping to feature me? Yes, he is obsessed. A man of fine taste. Dana, id like you to meet Tempest Javier, The sister of Samael. (Dana pauses and instantly locks eyes with the Salvadorian beauty then takes her hand and kisses it gently) Why this is a nice greeting Ms. Dawn, please. (Tempest Blushes) Another artistic genius ive only heard about in Samael! He is quite good at what he does, yes. I am here to view, well you Dana. This piece of the hare, how did you come to draw it? I had a dream after a long soul draining experience years ago. In this dream I sat by the Mediterranean and garden Uruk where next a huluppu tree I seen my castle in the form of a mushroom in the grey. Gardens of Morning Glories raged up alongside the castle with drooping poppies spilling their seed onto earth. Was I the hare? I do not know, but I would never forget this dream as it was all to real. Hence the collection of childhood dream! What a beautiful story Dana, wow, and the colors you chose- were they from that very dream? Yes Cecily they were (she grabs Cecily’s hand and walks her close to the painting) The yellow and black of the animal signify my soul. The shallowness of the flowers which corrupt us all and the radiant red of the blood poppy presents the light of the night we strive for day after day.
(Moments later, Dana makes a toast with her brother next to her. They stand in front of a gray half drawn tree statue) I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight. My Art is an expression of who I am, where I came from and where I plan to transcend too in life. Art in its visual form screams what words can only describe but in still form for all to see. Hello everyone, my name is Ben Dawn and I am a writer for the CI Times. Ive written many fantastical stories and id like to announce the upcoming story of the Huluppu. (Ben points to the Tree statue. The crowd applauds) Jagger catches the glimpse of Pazuzu. Frank grabs Jaggers hand and says its time. They walk to another room hidden in the canvas’ of the floor plan.)
Andre left at home, feels the burden in which the relationship appears to be. He wanders the apartment he shares with May looking at his first love of artifacts. A picture of he, May their friend Frank and Serena on a trip to the druids of NORD some years back sits on the mantle. On this trip he found a lost jewel of the Mediterranean Sea. The sculpture consists of half human head and animal potentially a rabbit stripes of a lion, talons as though to clutch perches with a scorpion tail. This sculpture was his greatest find and with it, it only brought happiness. Never was he sick again after that trip to the druids. Andre believed it to be some sort of cleanse, simply being on that trip. His catcher barks and Andre decides to take him for a walk. As he walks the park, he encounters some friends and the animals play. Thunder approaches and the next thing Andre sees is the face of a man, he never knew he needed. Dog is gone, his world spins and he sees flashes of mysterious around him. Where is the catcher he thinks? Who is this man, this man he so deeply wants to fuck? Back in his apartment the man strips him of his clothes and beds him eagerly. The room becomes a ruckus of animal instinct. “Pazuzu” is whispered in his ear. His talons clench the mattress, and while basking in the recent swapping of semen juice the men drink some more wine.” What is your name? You can call me Lago, and I shall call you Pazuzu.” As Andre sleeps Jagger walks the apartment and for the first time sees his vision come to life from all those years ago. Lilith. Frank was right, she had been found. Finally! The picture from the druids he holds and the plan for his empire begins.
May returns to their apartment the next day after that first night and finds all of anything that was Andre, gone! He had left her and taken anything that could remind her of his existence.
Ben sits in his office at CI Times and twirls his pen against his head. He cannot get over this story May has told. He re listens to her explanation of the tomb. Thinking back he recalls the FLAT of his sister and knows this is some how connected to her disappearance. Remembering a time when they were having lunch and Dana was showcasing her newest exhibit, that of a catacomb and a sacrificial boy. Something so powerful he asks her of the painting. Dana goes on to describe it as a nightmare she cannot escape, that of utmost importance as it was recurring. Ben looks at his desk cluttered with missing person ads and the mysterious plane crash into the Mediterranean. Dana had started seeing someone and didn’t inform her brother and he worried. This worry causes him to believe there is more to her disappearance and quite possibly this case file with Ms. Springfield.
Doctor Tortorella hangs up the phone after speaking with Nurse Melissa. “Was that the nurse? Don’t worry Eric, Serena is in good hands for now. Now where was I with the story of Pazuzu? (Eric turns on his recording device in his pocket.) Andre was freed from his burdens that night, and able to express his desires. I moved him to a secluded part of Riddle Ranch for him to continue his studies in archeology. Frequent trips to the Druids and my home heightened his interest in working with sorcery and the scriptures. Andre didn’t realize it but he was assisting me with the build of the empire. One artifact at a time. Scripture after scripture he encountered through his digs, and more so connecting the downed ship which was our maiden voyage. A trip we will soon endeavour again we hope! (As Eric sits and listens, he drifts off into what is becoming a recurring daydream. He and Ben leaving this all behind. Telling Ben the truth about his long work trips. Letting Ben know that Jagger has Dana.)
The friends leave one afternoon deep into the wooded crescents that outlined the forest. Close to the Sea, streams flowed in certain areas. On this day the sky was basking in after glow fog. Misting reddish purple haze caused particularly by the blood moon that just occurred. An owl presents itself tree top peering down on the friends. Age fifteen now and Jagger’s devote tasks are increasing his knowledge. A scripture described the human sacrifice of a virginal boy to summon the serpents. The real serpents that would spring from the tree of death. This Tree stood half dead in the flush forest. The tropical heat didn’t save or kill it. It grew like the damned. One side flourishing with leaf, greens, and gold. Speckles of red coat some of its armour. The other side twigs, dried leaf yet still speckled red. Inseparable for seven years, the four of them played every day. Jagger would include them in the scriptures and inform them of his findings. None of the others were ever allowed into the back lot scripture rooms. On this day Jagger decided to share some wine. All three of his friends had never tasted alcohol before. Nor have they tasted blood! They recite the Law and they chant in verse, different folk tales. To their belief they were summoning spirits, but Father Rowe knew somewhat better than to allow the boy to see all the forbidden scriptures. A bridge made of brown wood, hovered over small streams of the Sea which trinkles their way throughout the tropics. The shallow part was beneath this bridge. Instant release of euphoria catapults the friends as they taste for the first time. Jagger was beginning to understand that the Amphorae chose its kin, not the other way around. The feelings were all but certain as the teens splashed in the stream. Stolen kisses had by all. Young lust perhaps catches their mindset. Jagger encourages Carl to kiss Bronte like he means it. Carl approaches the girl and grabs her by her curly brown hair forcing his tongue into her lips. A rock bluntly crushes Carl’s skull in that very moment. Splatter of his blood paints the face of young Bronte.
Carrington lets out a faint cry, but almost as though he had been silenced in fright. They stare at Jagger holding the now red rock. Jagger caught in his own tailspin of a euphoric feeling, cautiously licks the splatter off his face. As though time had stopped in that moment, no one moved. Jagger stood there, eyes closed knees trembling his arms go weak dropping the rock. Bronte quickly grabs the rock and runs to steady fall of water along the tide up ahead of the bridge. Carrington vanishes from the site. Jagger must catch Bronte before she squeals. Though she wasn’t running to tell, she was running to save him from culpability. Jagger catches up with her, he still in his trance. Guaranteed to have been having that spiritual connection he longed for. The blood of the virgin, the sacrifice and soon the reign! Bronte slips in the grass along the bank of the flowing stream. It, much faster a few yards ahead. A slip in the waters would surely mean death! Jagger reaches out his hand to his plump friend. Bronte takes his hand and attempts to get up. She drops the rock. A sudden whisk of energy surges Jaggers body and he thrusts her over the bank and into the cascading waters! He falls himself to the grass. Limp body, flashing scenes in his mind and the startling oddity of the new taste the wine brought on.
The hoot of the owl awakens Jagger from a seemingly long trance. Night has become black, and the moon was not shining. The owl makes sound again leaping its way down into sight of Jagger. “The Norms? They are not the society fiends which is spoken owl! Why does she not appear now? I have sacrificed my family…...how can there be a reign?” The owl hoots again! “Three times you speak to me in foreign tongue of which I do not understand!” Angered he gets up to leave, yet trips when the owl flies in front of his feet causing the dramatic fall to the edge of the bank. Morning sun a bright yellow beam onto his face to awaken him. What Jagger sees next is the defining moment in which Lago comes to form.
She sits there, in a room wallpapered yellow and black. Dare to dance with herself yet again she thinks. The evening dinner party was joyous for her. She softly picks up the guest sign in book and lingers her finger over Tempest’s name. She opens a music box which sits by the window. Soft melody acoustic version of Tears of Pearls plays. A handful of earth she slivers between her lips. As the light in the room captures the art all around her, she envisions her love. Samael who comes to her during the moments of escape such as this. Morning it was, hung over she was not, for she drinks from the Amphorae. Dana releases her emotion with jives to her loins an unused cucumber becomes abused within moments. Silent gasps, and her talons break the table in which she creates self lust on. A working art is the title of the paper covering the floor. An easel falls during a burst of intensity! Finding herself on the floor her loose arm shakes and rattles the chalk board over and covers herself in dust! Shivers down her spine, makes her vagina pulsate. The blond beauty rolls around in the grey until her water board collapses onto her and the paper. Leaking white was the paint and her clit. Drizzles scamper down the chalk covered paper portrait. Green shards of the skin tangle their way through the fluids on paper. She braces herself for climax as the Sun falls from the sky and she is whisked away by the silhouette yet again.
Jagger begins to enlarge his visions and it starts with the ranch. The Mess hall and main building he once walked will be the main house, his mansion. Formed into a terracotta castle covered with all the luxuries. The pool took the form of the old balloon launching pad. The terrace gained levels and twirled staircases something of a seventies fashion. A plank covered the pond titled ‘The Colony’ in which he kept sealed. Other houses were built off the centres on the land. The laboratory once used by Doctor DuGray was now the temple in which Jagger would perform. Trucks carried in the Amphorae and Father Rowe built the tomb behind Mary. Staff were hired and tales were told. Some would come to believe that Lago wasn’t real and that Jagger was testifying sin. People would come, and not ever be seen again. Staff were dismissed only to never see their family again. The production of ecstasy became a certain hush topic on the land. Workers brought over from another Island would work in hidden areas on the ranch. Much like Andre did with his archaeological digs. An subterranean passage led directly to the Tropics of Nord. Andre was no longer the man he once was. The very image of the dorky looking Lebanese man with glasses and clean cut clothes was gone. Replaced by the Ustica Blood that ran through his entitled veins. Certainly, he was a god in another life. Andre now bare no optical, had muscles of girth and an overwhelming devotedness to his high priest Lago! The Red Sea flowed beneath the ranch guiding the waters of Nord to no one’s knowledge, but theirs. The two men would frolic daily in the waters refilling it with their seed in hopes of watering the huluppu that grew between the earths. Andre would be so entwined in Lago’s saint that he would be blind to the comings and goings of people on the ranch. Including the Art of one Dana Dawn. So caught up in his newfound world of the under lands Andre would pass on the seeing of his past lover May being indoctrinated into the fold. Jagger instals the scarecrow posts, all metal in nature. Mirrored tops await the direct time of the sky fall to beam onto his new followers. His empire was being built, and he would finish his quest of bringing his sister to life again.
On a breezy night, Jagger looks out upon the ranch from atop his castle. He smokes and thinks to himself of the greatness in which to come. He thinks of his mother, their separation, and his longing for them to be reunited. He lifts the picture Andre had and accidentally drips wine onto it. An omen he thinks of what’s to come. Unsure of what, but full knowing the ritual won’t be easy. The bowl of scripture he mounts on a lantern capturing the moon, so for each night the moon can cry tears into it. Jagger believed himself to be a spirit awoken by the tragedies of which was his life. Drunk he stumbles out of his mansion and into the gardens toward the abandoned cell block area. Opening the gate that kept it closed he decides to venture the long walk again. Walls still stained with blood of the lamb’s kept hostage. Evidence of the LSD in vials and syringes still lay on the cool metal serving trays. He cannot escape the nightmares which taunt him to this day of this place. He begins to cry as he remembers being injected and left on the cold cement floor. He enters the cell he knew to be home, shuts the metal, and washes his hands along the walls. He thinks to himself of how lucky he was to escape before his mind was damaged! Swigs the wine and happens to look up through the cellar windowpane, Lilith’s Glyph appears as the moon. Tears fall from his eyes. He caresses the walls and slides down them for comfort. His tears and the glyph light cover him as he slumbers.
“Doctor Tortorella what do you make of the claims made by May Springfield? (Live press conference at Dane Asylum) Unfortunately Ms. Springfield is under extreme psychosis due to the vast amounts of intoxicants in her system. Was she a drug fiend at the Hospital, did she put our lives at risk as well? I cannot answer that question. Next. How many people has she confessed to murdering Doctor? At this time the police have evidence of the murders of Andre Johma, Patty Zylstra and Jeff the bartender and Maureen Prescott. Will Ms. Springfield be able to stand trial? In this moment, Ms. Springfield is not fit to stand trial, no! Enough of this I need to return to my work. (Eric ends the press conference and walks with Jagger back into the Asylum) Where did Milo go Eric? I do not know sir, he just vanished. Fuck! I am going to have to permanently fry May’s brain soon. What about the others? There is no sign of most of your clergy sir. Get Alan and drum up ways to make the story of May Springfield disappear! Yes sir.”
Ben drives up to the gates of Riddle Ranch. He turns his lights out and walks into what appears to be a long vacant cult ground. Nothing seems to have been moved in years. Dust settled on the railings. An old building stands tall with tattered door frames and children’s shoes left in the dirt. The Balloon Explosion, he thinks out loud. He doesn’t see modern anything, like May’s story insisted. The police found no trace evidence of a new cult, only the bodies of the dead she killed. Ben could see the toxic chemical lake where Maureen must’ve perished. A foul odor rises from its unmoved film. Cracking of branches startle him as he stops to flash his light.
“What are you doing here Mr. Dawn? Officer Ryan, I …um I was… Trying to play detective boy! I am well aware that your sister went missing a year ago and from the story Ms. Springfield told us, you believe there could be a connection! Yeah, I do. We’ve been through the yards here Ben. Trampled the Gardens endured the heat in the dead of winter and nothing. Down to the viles left in the Cell Blocks way down there! Viles? Yes it was the holding area for those who needed strength guiding from what I recall of the Colony. There has to be something that is real about all of this! Why Ben? Why does it have to be real? It sounds like a woman who believes in witchcraft did too many shrooms and killed her friends and lover. Maureen’s body was found laying there in front of the chemical lake. Jeff’s body slit ear to ear on the edge overlooking the both the Sea and Ocean. Patty’s body down there amongst the flowers. What about the boyfriend? There has been no sign of him, everything that even could link ties to May was scrubbed from her apartment. His family has no idea what happened to him, obviously she is the main subject of interest! It was the story of the tomb. Dana told me of this story years ago in the same detail as May described it. It has to be a coincidence, Ben. Look around son, there’s no human life to be had here in decades. My instincts officer, they’re never wrong I can feel it. I can feel Dana here!”
Amongst the trees a light could be seen, both men take notice. They make their way through the garden towards the statue of Mary.
She sits there, in a room wallpapered yellow and black. Dana awakes from a seemingly innocent cat nap upright in her chair. Touching her hands as though she didn’t believe she was alive. “Could it be? Do I remember?” Briskly she rummages through some sketches until she finds the one memory of this nap. A black and white rose titled RED. As though to be caught, she carefully walks down the stairs to the main floor. This floor is the sitting space for which she would think before she creates. “The couch is un laid on. My scarf is untouched. The pen not used. So why do I sleep in the black and yellow?” She places the rose on the table and takes notice of the room. This time more in detail and she sees the colors fading from the walls. Water escaping the exterior. A ship with the Amphorae collides with her windows. She finds herself wading in water. The ship floats around her as she attempts to touch it. The ceiling which is the sky crumbles atop of her and Dana finds herself drowning. Drowning in the waters that killed her years before. She recalls in this moment how she was thrust into the cascading Sea a plump little woman with girly brown hair and a taste of divine. Her head reaches above water. Dana grasps for air. Reborn she was into this woman, a woman of sorcery a woman of continuous echoes. Reaching for the door she unlocks the mystery in which her transcending moment takes flight. Rising above the water she looks down upon Jagger and summons the sun and the moon to awaken him as Lago. The Huluppu begins to grow from both sides of earth.
As she glides through the air she recites the invocation breathed into her vocal cords. ‘Emanations of eternal chaos. Etheral blade of another worlds, goddess in black-thorned crown. Occupate the minds like never before. She brings only fire and pain! With poison trees and witch rituals, giving birth to the black blind dragon. BEHOLD old night monster, deranged. Open yourself to the black desolation hung your bones on the wind. Come suicide, fuckin crown of creation!! Feed your sins to my fiends. Mother of all coming, staring right at you. Darkness is coming behind her kiss of death and will no longer waited. Just embrace! She kisses Lago in that moment. She sinks to the earth born into a new blond arch angel. She bites his tongue, shredding blood from its tissue. ‘Her house sinks down to death, and her course leads to the shades. All who go to her cannot return, and find again the paths of life! Chasin for reality, saints make love with lions. Charity? Depravity?? FEED MY CHAOS! FEED MY CHAOS!!(3) The still artist became live! Jagger and Bronte Dana Dawn engage in original sin on this very evening. His virginity for hers, the blood seeds leak into the stream.
The worlds merge for the two. Bronte/Dana was chosen by the Amphorae. Jagger sees the ship under the bridge in that moment and realizes what killed the four friends. Samael, Lilith, Lago and Hectate are sent to underworld as punishment. The Bridge collapses!
Jagger caught with emotion watches as Bronte rises from the waters in different form. An image he only had seen in scriptures she is one to cross between the veils of beyond. As she floats softly from above down in front of him she plucks a fresh rose from the huluppu. Half white and half black though not dead, this flower is alive. Bronte is alive and anew.
As time passes between the ages of fifteen and eighteen the two friends realize they’re both chosen ones for the scriptures. A dream come to live three years prior revealed they’re to find their fellow fallen angels. The two would study back lot with Father Rowe and his wife Melissa. Melissa would encourage the spell castings in Dana. Father Rowe would teach new magic for Jagger to devote himself too. Soon the subterranean passage would be revealed to Jagger and his future empire could be envisioned. “To create family is to corrupt our fears” Father Rowe explained to Jagger. This because of his history at the Colony. By eighteen Jagger left for his studies to counsel and become his own visionary. Dana pursued Art as a career and became world renown. Years would pass before one of them would encounter their right of passage.
Ben and the Officer trample as quietly as they could through the broken-down trees, fallen flowers and debris from a fire years ago. They reach the statue of Mary and see nothing at first. Then as the Officer looks around flashing his flashlight, Ben sees an odd item. “Would you look at this? Is that a rose? A black and white rose! I’ve seen this too, in Dana’s apartment. Dana Drew this like a year ago! How would this be alive amongst all the dead Ben? Someone is fucking with us, lets go! No Grant, she is here I will bet life on it!”
The ground begins to shake, and the earth opens. This swallows up the two men, leaving only the glare of the flashlight left as evidence that they were there!
A woman walks down the halls of the DANE. Black over the knee stretch leather highland boots by Stuart Weitzman. Armed with a Saffiano Prada bag she captures the eyes of the staff. She approaches the gate to the psych unit and heads down to maximum security ward. She slips the guard a hundred-dollar bill and he leaves her alone with the patient. “Hello May!”
(May shakes from the floor in the curled ball of fetus she presents. Her head moves slightly to see a figure standing above her. She screams “NO MORE”!) “You are not real, this is not happening to me. He is trying to kill me. He’s gonna kill me!!! May I need you to get quiet and quick and listen to me. I met you a few years back at a evening party. My name is Tempest Javier. I am here to tell you, that you’re leaving with me right now!) May attempts to look at Tempest clearly, and she can define the facial structure of a woman. With no real choice May allows her hand to be taken by this woman.) “I don’t remember that night. I am starting to not know what is real and what is not. You will be safe, but you need to trust me.”
Tempest walks May out the back entrance of the DANE and no one bothers to stop her. The women board an awaiting helicopter and take flight.
Alarms sound soon after and Jagger is informed of the patient escape. He turns the video cameras of the ranch off after watching the flashlight sit. He walks out of his office and meets with the officers on hand. They agree to send a search party out for the escaped patient. He spies Eric trying to reach Ben, and he interrupts him with the upsetting news of the escape. As they leave the door to Jaggers office closes. In doing so it prompts one of his monitors to glitch on again. The camera focuses in on a woman as she sits there, in a room wallpapered yellow and black. A cell corridor converted into a living art space. Robotically she draws whatever trip she experiences. As if each moment passing was her own echo of times past. In this frame she senses something unfamiliar in the air. Could it be the silhouette again? Looking up at the camera, Dana reveals an electrifying grin!
SEAL- Kiss from a Rose ends the scene.
Empathic Manipulative Promiscuous Imbecile Reverend Echo
References: 1-wikipedia, Augustine Calmet connections to early views on vampires & Lilith 2- The demonic Paradise site. 3- rough mans snivel 2017 pintrest
Wow that was an awesome story 👏 😀 🙌 👌 👍. Your good 👍.