I see things in a different way. I don’t seem to get why people are in such a rush when driving to work in the mornings. It’s like a full on Nascar race every morning. Weave in Weave out of lanes, one can feel the absolute stress of that potential red light coming so let’s #speed. Ahhhh 😱
I take me time in a grocery store. i sing to myself I do a little prance around the building a few laps around the bakery due to the intoxicating aroma I cannot avoid! Others are like OMG bOi I need those cookies you’re in my way or is there a clerk like I’ve waited 30 seconds longer than I should come on now!!
Gas station look I’m just here to fill up on me gas I don’t want to partake in your points system no I don’t have the store points no thanks I don’t need food from your cooked countertop FUCK ME THATS NASTY
yea I speak of 7/11 counter food. Gag me with a fork! Lady I just want my gas and I want to get the fuck out of here cause it reminds me to much of my job just standing here!
Saturday morningS when I dont work. This bOi sleeps and I mean he can sleep 12-14 hours no problems. My baby awakes me every now and then when she thinks I’ve stopped breathing but other than that the world could catch fire and I wouldn’t even know it. Others tell me omg there’s to much to do how can you just sleep and eat breakfast at 2pm dinner at 9pm what do you mean you’ve done nothing all day????
Exactly that friend I’ve done FUCK ALL and I love it.
I see things in a different light because I hated life before and today I love my time with myself and the moments that make that time. Me loves sleep haha I think it might be time for a nap.
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