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Mind, body and soul in balance


Updated: Apr 11, 2022

The life I led prior to this Journey, afforded me to take advantage of personal faith. One afternoon I developed a strong sense of urgency to cry! I ran from the institute’s doors through the field and to the steps of building 17 abandoned! I too felt abandoned and next to immediate family I was.

All the friends I had came from money, drugs and sex! That was all gone! They never came back! In fact to this day only one person from my past has surfaced back into my threshold!

On the steps I cried for what felt like hours. I had to ask for help! I had to mean it this time. I had to, well believe! I was out of options!

A simple daily dose of prayer from myself to the universe helps me remain grateful and accountable. Self Care & Self Love for my mind, body and soul is a daily ritual, sometimes more than once a day!

We have time to spare, before we run out!


Through some time I became fruitful of knowledge to start my day. Changing my wordplay was a way to curb my thought. as you’ll see below as tips on starting your daily conversation with self or a higher power. I am Confidant, I Can do this, I like who I am. May sound corny but honestly this simple step each morning began a new way of thinking.

let me know how you positively start your day?

Comment and shoot me a message!

NEXT: Meditation 🧘🏼 as ONE sees fit! again I ain’t no pro babe! It took a long time to get into this. I couldn’t focus nor did I believe in altered state of consciousnesses.

I went to many a session and sat there each time unwilling to let go. The thing I took from each lesson was to BE STILL. Folks there is no magic here, just stay still. Shut off the device(S) be alone I don’t work well in groups to be truly alone in moment. I’ve mentioned time throughout the blogs and one needs to focus on stillness in time.

I can capture the sounds of cars parked down below my condo. I pick up voices from surrounding areas. I can hear the bag drifting between buildings, I can hear the radiator tinker as though it’s speaking. Conscious & Aware in this moment of time that you have devoted to YOU. Before you know it you've reached that meditation spot. Let your mind wander focus on what the universe brings to you in that moment of time. Best moments you captured recently are??

Ill share my next BEST meditation momentS next time.


Oh how I want to chronologically show my experience, sometimes I just add in things that come to me mind!! I said next time so here I am with #best meditation times, In fact I have one booked in two days!!

FLOATHOUSE Edmonton is the absolute best place to slip into a deprivation tank and get lost in 💭! A true gift and an absolute delight for your skin. $75 a session call them now say I sent ya haha cheers for now 😚


Who am I, is a question I’ve had all my life. Personally I don’t believe I understood who I was, BUT I SURE KNEW what I wanted to be! A character from a brilliant television show that changed my world. I adopted the motto of No Excuses, No Regrets, No Apologies! More on that person another time. Daily Inventory of who I am, was and could be is something that must happen. It centres me, it teaches me. I teach me through actions and behaviour.

Who am I? Who are you?? Ask yourself!


Who would’ve thought that the gift of gab could be a quiet cure? Well as I found many times of not expressing what I was feeling to someone about anything that currently plagued my mind, I near exploded! Well I did haha 😂

Since being on this journey, one of the best things that happened was re-establishing old bonds with people. Creating conversations with new people. As well as not being afraid to reach out to the people I’ve met along the way. Every morning I send a good morning text, some days longer messages and some a simple good morning. At one point for a few years I sent them to near everyone i was conversing with daily. That has changed and I send to select people and on some days I open it up to more. I do this to maintain connection. To help myself remember I have these people to rely on in case life gets in the way. It’s a selfish thing but also a reminder to others that someone does care about them and is there in spirit.

Do yourself a favour and send out a daily message, you may be surprised by the responses you get.


“I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me… but it’s hard to stay mad, when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I’m seeing it all at once, and it’s too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that’s about to burst… and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold onto it, and then It flows through me like rain and I can’t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life… You have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m sure. But don’t worry, you will some day” Ricky Fitts

Take time to see the beauty all around you. My eyes were closed for thirty+ years. Even though I heard this message when I was in my teens.

Do you know where this quote came from? No don’t Google haha 😂 do you know?? The movie is one of the best stories I ever watched on film. I cry every time I hear the words. here’s Ricky, again:

”it was one of those days, when it’s a minute away from snowing and there’s this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bad was, like, dancing with me. like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes, and that’s the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and…. This incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Videos a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me REMEMBER….. and I need to REMEMBER.

Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world i feel like I can’t take it, like my hearts going to cave in”

message me the film, if you’ve not watched it- watch it for the story. Dance every time you see it. Always remember


4009 steps in and I’ve barely begun! I am walking the worlds second largest zoo the mall in the city I live in-Edmonton.

What wait is this the Quick Easy shopping 🛍 part of his blog?? NOPE BETCH it’s a taste of mind freedom I’m sharing! I keep saying escape out of that mind fuck of a day you more than likely had and treat yourself to some #shoptherapy

Even if you don’t enjoy shopping, you never truly appreciate your own space and quality quiet time UNTIL you do a little window shopping and purchasing!!

I walked into @Sephora for the first time this evening! Popped my culture cherry and have given into my inner beauty queen finally after all these years. I’ve never felt more loved than by these women in the store! Pamper, show around give me samples! Of course I bought some toner thanks to my sisters recommendation! Wake and shake rattle & roll folks! I feel alive! Now it’s your turn!!!! GO AND LET ME KNOW WHICH STORE YOU ABSOLUTELY LOSE YOUR MONEY I MEAN YOUR MIND IN!! #xoxo



I absolutely had to share this with y’all

so one of the people I have been following can speak language that compels the heart the mind and soul. Well at least in my opinion. Take a moment check him and please comment let me know what you think!!!


Coping with Stress during times such as these or simply attempting to battle your own demons!

I am impressed that I’m placing this in here but here I go- k k those who know me are aware I live freely and am quite content being at home out of the Lime light. As I took a mental health day yesterday I got caught up in me favourite rooms. Cleaning that is!!

  1. Couple Cleaning with Entertainment. ...

  2. Invite Friends Over. ...

  3. Have a Dance Party. ...

  4. Catch Up on Phone Calls. ...

  5. Make it a Game. ...

  6. Make Cleaning a Workout. ...

  7. Invest in Better Gear. ...

  8. Treat Yourself.

So I made a complete detox of the mind while music was blaring! I didn’t wear any clothes to sweat a few more rounds off this body swirl! 😂 Did I dance? Yes I danced baby! My rooms are 100% more entertaining for me and I felt fabulous after!

I hate cleaning I hate making things all neat and such. Betch it’s just me in this condo so really who give a fuck! check out this friendly advice tip….


I seen this amazing read through SPACES a connector through the WIX website

I absolutely had to share it!

Pleaee take a read. Comment and sign in to my page for a chance to win a gift certificate for $100 to Bath & Body Works being drawn on July 15/2022 thanks 🙏

Do you ever just want something new to view? Some new almost A list celebrities to follow? Well I got some gem of men from reality tv I love and follow!!


On this day I want to celebrate a couple people and help their path grow! One I’ve been with since her beginning, and one I’ve known from the sidelines. Both promoting continued sobriety clean time.

With this website being promoted on Instagram Live for a week I really wanted to shout out these fine humans right along with me!

Detox your mind- Share your Journey -Promote Wellness- Get someone the lift journey they need! Remember to love one another but first #loveyourself

Mind Body Soul empowerment

I wanted to share an amazing message from a man I’ve been obsessed with for a few years now. Mr. Mark Manson!! here is his article on choices please email him your thoughts

In a famous commencement speech, David Foster Wallace told an old parable that's also half a joke about two young fish swimming along when they come across an older fish. The old fish nods to them—the way fish nod to one another—and says, "Mornin', boys. How's the water today?" The two young fish keep swimming for a bit until one looks at the other and says, "What the hell is water?" The lesson to be drawn is that the most important realities in life are often right in front of our faces, yet they're also the ones that are hardest for us to see. For humans, our "water" is embedded into the daily grind of life. The commute to work. Waiting in line at the grocery store. Calling a friend to see how they're doing. Paying the electric bill. Much of adult life seems dull and unimportant. But if we look a little closer—actually, if we look right in front of our faces—we can uncover a simple yet powerful truth: life is a constant string of choices. Or, to keep this fish-in-water metaphor going, life is a constantly changing sea of choices. In every single waking moment of every single day, you are making choices.

  • You're choosing to read this now instead of doing something else.

  • You're choosing whether or not to let something else distract you.

  • Maybe you really need to pee and you’re choosing to finish reading this email (thanks, by the way—just don't piss yourself).

  • You're choosing whether or not to react to the emotions my words are triggering within you right now.

You're always choosing. Always. Sure, sometimes you have to choose between two shitty choices. But every choice begets another choice, if not five or 105 more choices. Choosing from a set of bad choices can lead to a set of less bad choices, which can also turn into slightly better choices, and so on. And as it turns out, feeling like we have choices gives us a sense of control and autonomy over our lives. And that feeling of control and autonomy just so happens to be one of the best predictors of wellbeing and happiness we've figured out so far. And yet, despite this simple power of choice, humans have an almost endless capacity for denial. We deny we have choices when inaction is more comfortable, when our identity is at stake, and/or when we think playing the victim will get us an instant dose of sympathy or even pity. But denial only gives us short-term relief in exchange for long-term pain—and that's a terrible investment in your life. Your reactions, your perspectives, where you place your attention... all of it—it's all your choice. And you don't get to sit this one out. Not making a choice—or denying you have one in the first place—is still a choice. I've explained this concept so many times to so many people that I've lost count at this point. But I never get tired of seeing the moment when someone gets it—when they really get it. It's almost like a religious experience. Once it really clicks, you can practically see the movie of their mind rewinding back through all painful fuck ups, all the missed chances, all the words they left unsaid, all the words they wish they could take back. And then comes the moment when they realize that not only did they have these choices in the past, but they also have them right now and every moment leading into the future. All of a sudden, they're like Neo in The Matrix after choosing the red pill over the blue one. Nothing will ever be the same. So my challenge to you is to face that pain now, wake up to the reality of your choices and start taking the choices in your life more seriously. What choices are you avoiding? What choices are you making? What choices can you make today that will put you in a better position tomorrow? Here are some examples to get you thinking:

  • You're choosing to resent your ex instead of forgiving them and taking your share of the responsibility for the failed relationship.

  • You're choosing to reach for your phone and scroll mindlessly for hours and hours instead of working on that passion project, engaging and connecting with your partner, playing with your kids, or cleaning the goddamn kitchen already.

  • Your boss might be an asshole, but you're choosing to buy the narrative that there's no point in getting a new job because the next boss will just be an asshole too and that capitalism is ruining your life and, oh ferfucksake, what's the use anyway?

In all of these situations, denying that you have a choice results in short-term relief in return for long-term pain. So then, what are the choices you're making without acknowledging you have a choice in the first place? And, most importantly, how can you make less shitty choices going forward? I'm really curious to hear your answer, so let me know by replying to this email. Cheers, Mark


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