As many of you know I have been on a journey of self reflection. Not in the traditional way y’all may be thinkin of however! It started when I couldn’t stand the triple chins I was flaunting. So beginning of March of this year I decided to do a 30/30 daily cardio challenge. For me, strictly for me thought up by me and inspired by some of the reality #stars i religiously follow! So it began I went every day until the end because of medical concerns but I have continued doing this beyond March! Feel amazed btw!
While I’ve been rocking the treadmill I’ve felt the need to vogue on the machine. I’ve fought myself on this on occasion until today! I’m sorry but The Todrick Hall has me spent with Nails Hair Hips Heels 👠 anyway I digress….
What has kept me in sync (bye bye bye) is focussing on the music 🎼 brought to me by the glorious Spotify! I have a shit load of songs that remind me of something or another along the way. Since I have been writing my novella Connors Island 🏝 I have devoted some songs to character backstory! So when I’m dreaming up plot lines for certain characters I pretend to play the piano in the air. When in reality I’m conducting the plot through the history of the song intertwining them to create the epic current, future or now storyline for said character!
Heres an example:
“Hand me my necklace baby girl. Ma you’ve never told me why you wear this every day without fail? ( Veronica clasps the chain together, straightens it in the mirror and without hesitation turns to her daughter Janelle and says) Fancy, some stories build character the story of this locket grasps the ever ending courage of my mama back when. There’S a lot of self righteous hypocrites that call me bad, and they’ll do the same for you. So for now ‘to thy own self be true’ “
I dream up these things I incorporate them into words mixed with the lyrics which are gold. Once published of course I’ll site The stars behind some of the most Iconic literary verse never explored until now. I think people think I’m creating music or just plain crazy as I lip sing and move on the treadmill. But bOi don’t get me wrong I truly am having the time of my life while cardio kicks my ass!
So the song is Fancy by Reba McEntire. Take a listen and get in the mood! Tell me what you think of my characters Veronica and her daughter Janelle? Can you see it? A little tip is they are taking over a Mafia Empire in the Novella and the character of Veronica evolved literally out of need for a powerful woman character I could visualize in my real life. Such as the daughter is another visionary human I know.
Anyway Peace Love Shine your Esteem