Y’all know this is a journey for me, and with this journey came some people I follow and I absolutely adore. If you follow me on the socials you know I am an avid TV Film fan. Besides my personal life which has treated me to many situations where I have felt the need or people Have looked at me for suggestions on life, I follow people who’ve made a name for themselves out of just being solely themselves!!
Self Care Self Love came from seeing fat to many people not appreciate the life they have because they don’t know how too. Respecting oneself isn’t seeking another to fulfill the emptiness. It’s not about caretaking others, hyper ignorant to how others treat them, ignoring self care due to not knowing what it is or devoting life to work. I have done this far to many times. I lived a life of pretending, ignorance and selfishness. It took me near ten years into recovery from addiction and literal self hate to begin to love my fucking self!
Here I am world!
Watching 3 people on insta has made me believe that there is a world watching and we all have something to contribute and that something is love, friends!!! I have reached out to these three men in the social world and they were receptive to this fanboy sharing their stories and they actually respond to me, which I am blown away by! Respect ✊ these men make my day each and everyday. Not many celebrities do this folks. Check them out follow spread their joy and love laugh and live folks.
An absolute gem and fitness god inspiration comes from: https://instagram.com/adampikefitness?utm_medium=copy_link
A beautiful soul not unlike the other two, who also is model funny and respectful human:
Daily inspiring messages for me come from: ( and he is also the inspiration of the name of my Novella)