Today I received a text and it was from one of the many hair salons I go too. They were announcing new management and how they would love to see me back and so they offered 50% off my next hair cut! Damn bOi you know I made my way ok!
The brewery district as it is called yet barely a reminder of what was they simply carnate the name from the old Molson. So I decide coffee time will have to wait and so will my obsession with groceries 😆 btw check out my ravioli post in the Mindful section WAY down at the bottom. You may be delighted by the potential 🎁
Seconds pop and 💥 there I am inside the salon. Music is hip the people are hot and vibing. this is the spot! Then I see her, the eyes wide as they ever were blue as little Bo Peep those eyes were, Isabella. “Hey I know you from somewhere! Oh my god I can’t believe its you, Steve?! It’s been so long wow I just seen Jeff we were chatting about you just last week! This is random!! ( so umm you two wanna take this to the chair?”)
You see Isabella was a girl that worked for me close to twenty years ago at my very first bar gig. We shared stories of how much of lushes we were. She reminded me I had an amazing ass once in my day and she’ll never forget at how much fun we all had in that bar! The Rose & Crown! Some of the best memories of my lifetime! She even says to this day that she once knew a guy who could have any man in the bar and he did it over and over and over again much to her dismay. What’s funny about this is Isabella and I made out and almost went the extra mile hahahaha I think she could be the last woman I ever made out with 🤔 but that could be up for debate. i still had another ten years or so of drugs alcohol that are sometimes fuzzy to distinguish #but They happened!
A much needed blast from the past today was. We hugged it out and parted ways and I agreed to go back there often just to see my old friend. She’s looking fabulous and well age did not hurt her, though she is a few years younger than I. Cheers to some memories just like that, to occur more often!