“Free your mind and the rest will follow. Be Color blind, don’t be so shallow! Free your mind and the rest will follow…” En Vogue
Sleep was not a consistent thing in my early days. So when I began this journey I was forced to learn routines. One of which was a regular sleep pattern. I’m bed at a certain time and up in the MORNING! Never was and still I am not a MORNING fan.
Previously I used the television to put me to sleep. The new way ( back then) didn’t give me this luxury so I had to improvise and this is when I turned to music. Granted it was my dad’s music on his MP3 player!! i was able to disengage just enough to take the itty bitty pain away.
Today I know someone who creates a playlist along their days to help heal or blur her mind. She may join to help us on here soon.
What Three Songs Can Take You Away In The Moment?
How could I get back to the human I was meant to be? When did I feel the best as who I was? Take me back to 1990 when a boy was semi joyful and had an optimism about him that generated attention.
The best next thing I took up was seeking professional written opinions on how to be a better person. I sought self help books and took time to add things to the Self Love tool kit I now keep close to this day!
Here are three books I read and owNed that helped me along this journey:
The Secret by, Rhonda Byrne.
Codependent No More, by Melody Beattie.
The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*CK, by Mark Manson.
Ok so maybe books are too much at the moment! It does take a commitment to strive and devote energy to reading for pleasure!! I won’t push 😂
I rediscovered magazines in treatment! I loved a good soap opera magazine once upon a time. Don’t judge! I love a good soap opera novella! BTW I MAY PUBLISH MY OWN SOON 🔜 👀 for it!
Anyway I got lost in the dramas of my favorite industry the entertainment industry. Quick Easy and full of pictures and shopping ideas, fashion, hygiene products and oh yeah FACIAL remedies!! OBSESSED I am!!
if you haven’t got lost in a trash magazine before than I suggest you do! However some of the magazines I devote my money too now a days are culture specific as I identify as queer. So I love me a good Attitude, OUT or Advocate MAG! I also recommend GQ, TIME and Homestyle Cooking LOL all sorts of everything right there folks!
Tell me your GO TO Magazine (S) 📖
First off I’m loving the GIF section on this websites! #lit
Staycation what is this you ask? Well come out from your rock dear follower and see what down the street looks like from a different window. Yup you guessed it I began going on mini vacations around the city and a couple outside the city. This started with a story on how I came to be involved in the recovery world. #story For another time! 🤣
I ended up at a retreat centre not far from home and just outside the city. Let me tell you it was thrilling, rejuvenating and mindful. I slept in a cozy big bed, I had a different shower and bath!! I ate from a kitchen not of my own and prepared for me!! I basked in group silence and alone time was phenomenal as I really felt far far away! 16 kilometres from home I was AND loving it!
From there on I learned a Fantastic way to detox my mind was through mini stay cations!
I just literally finished doing this and damn do I ever feel delicate. Yes I said that word cause my body feels refreshed and I have this calmness over me.
I have a couple bathroom feature lights I turn on when I know I’m about to have a weekend of pure love for myself. I also lit a couple candles shut off the main lights and let the aroma fill the room as I turned on the shower. Most times I bathe in candlelight but tonight I showered and allowed the fragrance devour the room and capture my senses. SHOWER in the dimmnes of the light and lather up, do your facial shower routine really break out the expensive shampoos and begin the at home spa like experience! tonight I used Sage lavender body butter, of course the Brickell Mens Anti aging cream A charcoal scrub of the pores through exfoliate! PROSE custom hair oil and a Nivea mens moisturizer. Now give yourself 40 minutes in the vanity room and SELF CARE SELF LOVE BABY
Ready Set Go collecting the things you never thought you’d collect! Hahahaha yup I always had a passion for certain things in my home. I have always loved being in the presence of artifacts. Some how I truly believe I ancestor from a time of delectable fortune. Before this second life began I collected and I picked it up right when I was able to do so again!!
K so I actually have the painting of creating Adam and there is no man walking in front of it like this! Passions, what are they for you? Do you like things? Which things are your favourite things? Why do I say things?? Well because art, collections and collectables are just that #things that make one happy!
Do you ever sit and just stare at your phone? Then some how your mind gets connected to your photos? Whether they are on your socials or in your photo folder they’re there. People, family, friends, REAL friends, school mates or work mates even EX’s!!
I’ve found that sometimes it’s creative & distracting to actually go to a printing shop! Yes Walmart and o London Drugs have these available! Print out a bunch, it’s cheap! Create collages get some cheap frames and place up some memories for you! FOR YOU! Fuck the relationships lost, cherish those memories. The photo was taken for a reason! That moment meant something, so don’t let yourself shelve it, at least not now.
Y’all let me tell you, I love love love the entertainment industry! Since my youth I have been fixated on movies, television, classics, musicals, plays!!!! I don’t know when it started? I do not fully remember what caught my eye BUT I do remember always wanting to #escape
I wanted to be Eric Brady on Days of Our Lives at age 13! I wanted to eventually have a lifestyle like the kids of Beverly Hills 90210, omg I wanted to live in Melrose Place. K K so I used to be so obsessed with these shows I taped them on VHS 📼 YEP I did. If y’all don’t know what anything I just said was, well thank you for following me and reading the love for myself and how to kick start Self Love & Self Care. 😂
I will be discussing getting lost in entertainment again trust! For now this message is give yourself some time to devour a program a night. Fall in love with a TV star, ooogle them follow them. That’s a fabulous way to turn off your mind nightly at least for an hour. Oh and give you something relatable to talk about at the water cooler.
K k lol if you don’t chat with people at work and expand your people skills, well than you have some more issues. That’s ok we will discuss my experiences with that too when I didn’t allow myself fun. However I barely remember that shell of a human lol.
Bring on the hobby lobby haha. I tell ya when I was an addict the hobby I had was getting blitzed all the time. All the people in my world did the same. Before I was an addict I lived simply liked my entertainment had one good friend and oh yeah I hooked up for fun secretly in car park lots and bushes and well you get the picture.
Wow where am I going with this blurb? I swear I started it out with a different mind set. Hmm another post for that thought train….
I can get captured in storylines, I can be captivated by art and ancient Egyptian, African or Asian artifacts. And just when you don’t realize it, you could be tempted by something else that you’ve always liked but forgot you were an adult and can make your own decisions and so you begin your next quest of hobby lobby and start a new path.
My point for this section is things that ease y’all mind. Take away whatever stress y’all got goin on and find that something(S) where you can be true to YOU & escape, just for a moment.
So I’ll leave you with a quote, this quote tells an obsession I’ve had for my whole and also one I haven’t fully given enough attention too. Tell me what you think! Share your obsession NOT dirty NOT yet!
“Dream as if you’ll live forever, Live as if you’ll die today.”
It’s been a day! How about for you?? Folks let me tell ya some days I just don’t realize how mentally exhausting my career can be. However I really needed a soak!
Now if only I had someone waiting with fresh towels for me!! Preferably hot towels 😆 I actually do my best thinking when I’m in the tub. Get those bubbles folks have the aroma devour the room yes I mean light candles. But truly dive into a bubble bath 🛀
soak in some of your favourite bath bombs, add in some Epson salts and for funzies throw in a special bath block and watch the Color’s evaporate into the bubble bath you for sure got from AVON! don’t have AVON? BOi let me hook you up!
Day dreamer and a homecoming queen. Yep been there done that. Do you ever find yourself drifting off to another place in the middle of the day? While at work?? Yeah me too 🤪 Thanks to the pandemic I have more time to #daydream
How though I do it while at one of my jobs is beyond me, but I actually did it today!
So I’m sitting there in the midst of chaos, again if you knew what I did for a living you could be surprised at how different levels of chaos determine break times! So my colleagueS at this place are super sweet loving people and I mock them for their ever loving care hahaha no but seriously I’m like YOU MUST LEARN THE WORD NO
k k any how I digress
So they’re doin their thing and we’re kind in a slump this afternoon and it feels like there isn’t enough room in the room for the media light I truly think I could use at that moment as I take selfies for personal vanity! This wall could be a great back drop and if I turn a tad to the left my eyes really pop. Damn my hair is on tilt today betch!! Just think of how your cover photo is going to look when they capture your image for the launch. Remember your face journey is really lighting up on social media. Wow I really do look ten years younger, thanks product!! Don’t forget the 📖 there are so many photos you need and so much creative art that needs to be done. Damn I need to capture that scenario better. K now that we got the S Club set in mind youre ready to dawn that storyline. Fuck my skin looks great!
💥 reality hits and we are all still in this war room and the people are needing assistance in care plans and one guy is approaching for the tenth time in five hours seemingly lost in detoxification. Here we are day dreamers and home going kings.
Blabber came onto my social feed accidentally by my ultimate bff recently. It’s a great accidental word to pop into this section to describe the ultimate saving grace for moi during the pandemic. Though I don’t have a video blog yet, and I’m keeping the blogs semi private still ( though I realize you’re reading this now now) I am extremely comfortable sharing the next great section of my BLOG
As I hope you’ve seen there is the Mind Body, Quick and Easy shopping-life hacks self awareness part and of course the daily thought bubble from yours truly. It’s about to open up to the writing aspect. Where I truly have been hiding to detox my mind for almost a year.
Blabber- caused me to realized through a Tom Holland Movie that I should change the name of my BOOK 📕 YUP I had an awakening. Blabber!
So watch for it! And I also encourage you to write down your thoughts, pleasures and things that make you go awesomely along for your own ride!
btw be sure to send me a comment join in and comment on your favourite moments on ONE of the VIDEO posts to be entered in to win $100GC to Bath & Body Works! 💋
Sometimes I think people creat chaos just because. I was chatting with me mum yesterday over brunch and she was describing her must do lists! It snowed you see and so there was snow on the ground at their house. Meanwhile she and my father have had the flu and not up to much the last couple days. Well if she just couldn’t let a day of snow fall sit until she feels better. Haha nope out she goes because in her mind it has to be done and it cannot wait.
i believe this crazy making is a genetic thing we all have in me family. However I leaRned not to drive myself nuts over things. We were raised to be and act like that which made me dread snow fall or leaves falling or grass growing haha CHORES.
Great way to DETOX your mind and shut the fuck down, get ready it’s a doozie.
Let it go! Who rules you? YOU rule YOU! There are no to do lists in my world unless it’s work lol. Take breathes and calm your self, errands can be done whenever you feel. Getting to the stores in the morning or driving at a particular time of day to avoid traffic is crazy making haha WHO CARES this much? Only crazy making people.
For example today I’ve been up since 3am on and off sleeps till 1030am it is a Saturday I will probably go to grocer today, to this big flea market and gym. Flea market closes at five so I’ll go sometime before that haha not freaked out about parking or timeline it’ll happen or it won’t meh don’t matter to me.
I spoke to someone this morning. Actually this person may come into play soon as I’m hoping to have an original product created by her for representation of this site! SOMETHING SPECIAL SOON
anywho I told her to take time and feel the breeze on her face and not do everything and anything before 10am haha this is her response
“Fuck that lol things need to be done. The breeze is freezing cold. Actually was really nice out at 1030 last night when i shoveled all my snow lol. I got my blue jar bucket ready for thurs too. I like busy you like sleeping all good🤣🤪😊”
The point here folks #destroy your TO-DO lists! Be free from the mental mind fuck of your crazy making. Just be, trust me your an adult and no one should be holding you what you do or when not even the traits passed on by your creators haha #xoxo
Take a moment, breathe in and baby bOi breathe out! What makes YOU tick tick boom? Yes that’s a reference to iconic play creator of RENT
Why? Because who knows you best? Only YOU know YOU best. As the image above claims we are our own Muses. Detox your mind by doing YOU.
I find fun in writing, collecting specific Asian African Egyptian Art! I enjoy painting, poetry and I’m super into face body bath products! ( HENCE THE CONTEST)
So adore yourself for a bit. Listen to that amazing soundtrack. Turn on the YOU switch and completely get lost in all things that make YOU!
Please sign in and let me know YOUR TICK TICK BOOM best moments. 💥
No don’t go running around with the tubby! Ha! Spring has sprung and what a better time than today whether this be the first day of spring for you or another day on your calendar 📆 it don’t matter!
Something floats in the air when spring comes. For me a light breeze with hints of rain smell occupies my thoughts. I absolutely love spring rain. Crisp and clean god give me an aura cleanse every time. This year it snowed by the way!
Some people spring clean, some prepare for outdoor activities while I take a mental break and literally enjoy the air again. Crisp I say there is something to listening to the air crack and the sun peak. Daylight savings has happened and the light from his lights up our evenings more and more. Friendly people arise from the ash of snow mold! I feel rejuvenated simply by fully opening the windows, cleaning off my condo balcony and preparing for that morning sunrise coffee before work.
Relax, breathe in and breathe out for we have a new cleansed aura to arose ourselves with. Happy Spring!
How does this fit into a great way to detox your mind? Especially when it’s all the negative rage?? I’ve had to learn through the years, but especially in recovery that controlling my anger is a learned skill! It did not happen over night, a week a treatment program or an AA meeting. Situations I have been Mad at:
Lack of attention paid to me by parent.
Not the most popular guy.
Being different in others eyes.
Being unattractive enough for self harm.
Being erased from friendship.
The world for my shitty circumstance.
I am not preaching the works of the anonymous meeting’s I am however explaining what I learned that helped me see the value in self before reacting. Patience, Love and the hardest thing ever Tolerance. I became patient by learning to listen and then reflect and then speak. I’ve always loved to much, I had to embrace loving the person or circumstances besides the action of them. Tolerance is still a working method for this cat, as I said this don’t all happen over night. Im in my tenth year of recovery and learning from the Oscar Ball early on and now learning from regular others I see the value in tolerating not only others, but myself.
I am not nor have I ever been a violent person! I do not like violence or abuse of any kind. I am a victim of these things. I still shake. The message here on detoxing one’s mind comes from clarity on self reflection. Be patient with yourself and most of all love yourself first. The rest will follow!
DONT FORGET TO SIGN IN AND SIGN UP ON THIS WEBSITE TO WIN A $100 Bath & Body Works gift certificate draw on July 15/22
YES I’ve mentioned this before and well here I am again talking about music! People I cannot express how much music has played an integral
part of my day to day as of late!! I took some time and discovered I want to be better looking, feel better be sexier even. So to be rid of the double chin I did the 30/30 cardio trip. Each day id go down to the gym in the condo and get jiggy with me fine self. Pop on my playlist and workout some storylines. Please see BLOG post “In The Air” April 13 I reckon!
Anyway take a listen to SabastianS carDio link above and tell me your favourite song from that list! I’ll get a fan-art drawn of you once you sign in and report back bOi!