Melee Murders
By Sabastian Stefano ®
Crafting up trees the flames rose from the ground ready to crisp. The light from the sky provided an ambiance of sleek calmness, that should not have been present. One by one the trailer homes of Vincettio’s Willow Park burst into fire balls. People who could escape from the dead of night ran for their own chance of survival. Babies were heard crying, lost in the smoke. Families screaming out for their loved ones. No sight was had amongst the blaze. I believe Ginny lured Hal into what would’ve been her princess palace. Oh, what a blazing glory only seen through the eyes of…. “What the fuck are you doing telling them this Amada? I…I.. What you freak? Spit it out!! Steve he was just telling us a ghost story! Max you and PJ go home, I’ll meet ya there! I… am sorry Steve. Get back to work, and don’t talk to my brother again, fuck sakes dude he’s 10! When I was … I don’t care! Wash the dishes and shut the fuck up!”
Amada a thirty year old skater man who has the mind of a fifteen year old child washes dishes at ‘Rosey Cheeks’(RC) restaurant and bar in ‘SAVAGE KEYS AMERICA’S MALL’ (SKAM) Steve Maxwell is the manager of the restaurant/bar and is a real ass hole. All of twenty-three, a high school former foot ball star brought his friends in to run the hot spot which is RC. He had a knack of looking down on the people beneath him, and why wouldn’t he? Blond hair, blue eyes & six-foot statue of a masculine god! The ladies and some men loved him. He treated his hired help that were not his personal friends like trash, and this included the whole hired help of back of house. Amada presented on the Autism Spectrum however was vocal and could manage a job. A tall fellow, who had a slouch to him. Long greasy hair and wore the same blue jean overhauls with a chain connecting his wallet to keys and hat to his waist. Steve would make fun of his limp and how he didn’t move fast enough, from time to time. Secretly thought, Steve looked out for Amada; yet treated him poorly so that he would remain the alpha in others eyes! He would pick him up for work and drive him home sometimes as well!
Amy Thomlinson was Steve’s on again off again girlfriend. Another Blond beauty produced from the Savage Garden Keys State. She would often come to Amada’s aid whenever she seen him being taunted by Steve or Steve’s best friend Dave Faraday who also happened to be the night shift manager. The three of them were inseparable since high school and they came to be the face of RC. College jocks who couldn’t get enough of themselves and the cheerleader with a heart.
SKAM had all the trimmings for a festive holiday season, with Christmas being five days ago and the New Year fresh upon us in less than twenty-four hours! Y2K was about to explode. The rumor was that there would be a technological shut down and the world would see something of darkness never seen before due to the internet and computers all crashing with the turn of the century. Big Screens would burst, the radio would go silent, and the sky would light up with the ultimate borealis. The staff of the mall worked tirelessly to remove the Santa displays, Elf dancers and Snowmen. All while out putting END of the WORLD Party signs up around the mall. Y2K festivities took over as the rage New Years Event not to be missed! RC’s LIGHTS OUT Party was the talk of the state. People from all over were coming to the mall just for this event in itself. RC had three levels. The main level at mall ground was the restaurant which served everyone during the day. It was set with two raised areas one in the front with window displays from shops in the mall, lower in between level which had seating too. In the middle it was focused as a U Shape where big parties could be placed, and down and around led to the back of the restaurant. It could seat about a hundred twenty people. The Restaurant captured some of SKAM’s best to offer, advertising things such as the World’s largest indoor Fair (The Fair) and Water World to shops from the United Kingdom, Italy and beyond. There were also five levels of shopping centered all around an indoor man-made lake with real fish and Carcharodon carcharias just swimming about. The Lake connects to the ocean outside of the mall. Picture a giant silo and then quadruple your image and that is America’s Mall.
Completely Circular structure built out of steel made to withstand every possible natural disaster and yet is also the worlds largest attraction. The Savage Garden Keys are tiny islands making up the coastline of western United States, they are the direct link to the doomed state of Connor’s Island. That’s a story for another time.:’) The second and third level of the establishment were the nightlife aspect and holding the party of the century. There was the pub style and lounging area on the second level with the third the club experience. This club experience had wall to wall windows and see-through glass floors, dancing was a test of endurance as people could almost see up your skirt if you were not careful. The event to be had would tantalize your soul as the LIGHTS OUT Party was going neon and foam with fake virus’ making people turn into zombies of the night. A concept created by the incomparable Dave Faraday the college drop out computer designer who just couldn’t let it all go.
Friday December 31, 1999- Cue the Juke box
Zombie Apocalypse, Millennium Bug, End of Time signs everywhere. Signs on every Bar High Top stating to turn their computers off before midnight (includes Cell Phones) Don’t Panic neon sign above the dance floor and fake blood splattered all around as though the virus spread and mutilated everyone!
“Are you seriously wearing that tonight? Are you judging me Amy, I think I look aiight! Whatever loser. Dave dude, Amy thinks I look horrible for the party? You both are JT and Brittney are you not?? That’s what I was going for! I didn’t want you to dress like JT, I mean come on you look like an upscale version of….. Shit dude, Amy’s gonna make fun of her boyfriend Amada!! I am not, stop it. Maybe she secretly likes the freak. Talk to the hand Steve, I mean it!!” [Christina Mare comes out with the roster for the evening.] K everyone hears who we have where tonight. Steve obviously you’re managing the doors! Wouldn’t have it any other way, my club my rules! Again, you’re such a loser, why am I dating you? Were dating? I thought we were just fucking? Oh my god, I cant even with you! Could the two of you not fight tonight, that would be great!! Sorry Christina were all not happily married at twenty-two years old like you and Davey boy here!! Amy you will be with Leah at the shooter bar. Dave, I have you at the zombie kissing booth which is also the DJ Booth with Sean. (Others come to the impromptu meeting in the restaurant) Serena April and Pam you will be on the floor selling. Mark, Jeff and Anthony bounce and sell! Yes!! Don’t be selling to get caught bro. Thanks tips why don’t you just tell Steve what im doing and I can be fired right here and now? Tony like come on, he knows I’m sure! Well he only knows if your spilling it out of your mouth while you’re down there….. Cool it you two we got this. Mark come with me, Tony go convince Steve we don’t need babysitting.”
Christina leans in next to gal pal Amy and whispers that she thinks the boys are up to something. Christina laughs and exclaims when are they not.
The restaurant portion closes for the day as the people on the roster prepare for the evening event. Pam grabs Steve and pulls him into a secret kiss in the locker room area for the staff. Steve gleefully pushes off Pam’s advances and yet still kisses her neck as she begins to undo his pants. Then the guy’s locker room door opens and its Amada. He stops and trys not to stare at the two adults getting dirty birdy. Pam asks if Amada wants to watch what its like for a man to get blow job! Amada can’t form words and lets out a stutter for the two to mock. Steve kicks the door closed and knocks Amada over and outside of the locker room. He gets himself up and picks up his chain which fell out, letting loose its tethered belongings. Pam comes out of the locker room slightly upset she didn’t get to give her manager head and she begins to taunt Amada. Then Steve grabs Amada and throws him into the stall in the locker-room and locks him in there. Pam and Steve laugh as they shut the lights out and put an out of order sign on the door, leaving Amada locked inside. Amada tries calling for help but its pintless as the restaurant has now closed. Upstairs the party is beginning to get underway. Sean gets the beats rollin as he dances like Barny Rubble for the night in costume. “Welcome everyone to the Friday Night Lights Out Y2K Event you will never forget!!” Sean continues to engage the patrons as the waitress’ dressed as Destiny’s child hit the floor. Pam had the purple, maroon pant leg halter top design, April had the short haired mini skirt and bra look going she was the Kelly Rowland. Then there was the beautiful red headed Serena O’Hara portraying her best Queen B.
Nine Pm: Mark , Tony and Jeff cut lines of cocaine behind the bar. Leah catches them and joins in. “As of midnight, it’s Happy Birthday to me!” (Tony says) Everyone is now out on the dance floor dancing and mingling to the Destiny’s Child Hit. Serena blows a kiss to Sean behind the booth. Tony sells coke to some guys. Leah is taking bills in between her cleavage and doing shots with folk. Jeff is keeping eye on the people looking down onto the second level. Christina and Dave are having drinks while promoting the kissing booth. Amy who has forgotten her apron for her float rushes down to the main level. A breaker blows and the club goes dark! “Too much fucking power for the foam or smoke machine Mark, I knew it I fucking knew it! Wow Steve you want a bump or something calm down Ill fix it!” As Amy heads to the locker room, she hears a faint cry. She slowly opens the door to the out of order dark men’s room and sees a scared Amada sitting there. “Oh my god, did they lock you in here? Yes... I …I am scared. Its ok Amada, come out its just a power outage. Someone must have blown the breaker! [ Mark arrives] Is this your doing? I didn’t do anything to him.” Amy and Mark see that it isn’t a breaker, and something else must have caused the outage. They bring Amada back to the kitchen and tell him to stay put, they’ll get Steve and he can take him home! Amada agrees. Amada gets startled by the enormous crackle of thunder he hears and can see through the back entrance to the kitchen that a rainstorm has begun outside. “I…. hate….the …rain” he mutters and shivers down into fetal position on the floor. The back door swings open and Amada screams!!
Amy and Mark hear the scream come from downstairs and they stop scared in their tracks on the back stair well leading up to the second floor. They debate who out of the two of them will go down and check on Amada. Pam appears in the stairwell and spooks the two. “What are you two doing in the stairwell? Are you both cheating on Steve? Fuck off Pam, why are you coming downstairs? I’m going for a smoke Mark. Can you not see we have a crisis here? It’s a power outage for god sake, Steve has got all the people out of the bar its fine. Pam we just heard a scream coming from downstairs. Oh, must be the peeping skater boy! You! You locked him in the bathroom! Whatever Amy, ill go deal with him. I don’t trust you! Fine come with me if you DARE!” Pam makes a scary face in the glow of the flashlight she presents. Mark leaves the girls and heads upstairs. Amy follows Pam back down into the kitchen. She then goes to get another flashlight from the office next to the kitchen. Pam goes inside the kitchen. “Amada, Amada where are you??” She feels the dampness from the rain outside coming in as the door is open wide. Pam closes the door, smirks and stands there. She shuts her flashlight off and lights a smoke. While exhaling she giggles and then whispers; “are you afraid of the dark skater boy? I promise ill let you watch next time. Come out come out wherever you are!” As she lingers around the kitchen back entrance, she see’s blood on the floor. Her shoe has stepped in it, and she takes a leap backwards dropping her cigarette. In an instant Pam tripped over the hand of the lifeless body on the floor. She screams just as a chef’s knife pins her head to the back entrance door! Her body twitches slightly as she gurgles blood, and the man stead fully walks up to her and pulls the knife out of her head! Pam drops dead to the floor!
Amy pushes the doorway open with her new found flashlight and Steve pops up in front of her! “What in the actual fuck Steve!! Did you hear that scream? Which one Amy, come on lets get out of here!! Where’s Pam, and Amada?? Who cares let’s go, somethings wrong I just stepped in blood!! Oh My God Steve, we gotta go see!! No. Are you crazy were getting the fuck out of here with everyone upstairs right now!!” Steve pulls on Amy’s arm and forces her to follow him up the back stairwell. Sean and Serena are there waiting by the DJ booth. Steve asks where are the others? Neither Sean or Serena knows, and both appeared to be slightly frightened by the strange events. Realizing this could be the storms doing, Steve explains that he stepped in blood downstairs and people were screaming. “We need to get out of here now, Steve! Ill Take Amy you two follow us!” The four of them decide to stick together and exit onto the malls second level. They make their way down the store fronts and then realize the only exit from the mall is through ‘The Fair’
Jeff, and April accompanied Christina and Dave already to ‘The Fair’ They were not fucking around as they heard the screams too. The four of them enter the grounds before the others arrive. Back at RC Tony feels as though he is having a bad trip as he lets himself out of the closet, he was hiding in. He cuts another line of cocaine on the table with the most light coming in from the restaurant mall light below. He snorts it up. He wonders where everyone is?
“I gotta go back to the restaurant, ill meet up with you guys. Steve are you actually serious right now!! I left my fucking letter jacket there and I’m not leaving without it! Your letter jacket, from high school? You do know this isn’t a glitch there’s an actual killer in the bar!? I’ll be fine, wait here!“ The three-debate following Steve, and ultimately decide to keep an eye out for him outside of RC. The kitchen sparks flame as the cigarette Pam attempted to smoke catches on fire from a spark that the electrical outlet gave caused by damage when the exit door swung open. Mark smells the fire and calls out for anyone else in the lounge! Anthony calls back and says he is there but upstairs! Mark looks over the railing and up, Tony looks down they smile at one another. The fire rages through the stairwell and into the lounge! Mark tells Tony to hurry up and get down here, that they must get out of here!! Mark watches Tony from beneath the glass floor. He cant hear to much but sees sneakers appear behind Tony! Mark calls out to Tony to run again “someone’s behind you”!! The kitchen fire causes the Co2 cannisters to explode from the bar above due to heat, and then Mark sees real blood splatter on the floor above him! The Chef knife falls to the ground. A cannister explodes causing the glass floor to shatter down onto Mark standing below. He is decapitated! Anthony crawls out of the broken glass and collapsed floor as Serena, Amy and Sean all cry out to him that they’re there!! Anthony gets pulled out by Sean. “I think I broke my leg! Did you see Steve or anyone else? I stabbed him, in the chest you guys!! He was gonna kill me!!” The restaurant explodes in front of them. Fire rages through the right side of the mall. They scamper towards through the food court and into the gated entry way into ‘The Fair’
Somehow the exit doors have been locked from outside of ‘The Fair’ trapping the staff in. Dave tries to break through the glass on the door, but much like the walls of steal the glass is unbreakable. Christina points to the fire she sees coming from the food court entrance. April and Jeff disappear to find another exit. Sean sits Tony on a cart of the Ferris Wheel. Serene wraps a ripped portion of her costume around Tony’s leg as well as Sean’s burlap skirt from his costume. “Now I am just a guy running around in his underwear. Perfect every scary story needs a hot guy in his underwear! Thanks Tony, but I think you’ve had to much coke for the night brother! Serena and Amy you both stay with Tony, ill go find the others!! How do you even know they’re hear Sean? They gotta be, they wouldn’t leave us!! I am going with you! Serena no! You don’t have a choice.” Sean turns on the ride and sends Amy and Tony to the top. April and Jeff see the ride and head towards it. Someone in the shadows passes by the sculp and play carnival game and grabs a kukri. They too head to the ride.
“Have you ever fucked in a fun house? Are you seriously asking me to fuck when someone potentially was murdered back there at the party? Well, were trapped in ‘The Fair’ until someone lets us out so why not?” Dave and Christina decide to detour and get down with one another in the fun house. The lights start to turn on for the Fun House and everyone in ‘The Fair’ hears the generator manually operated attraction turn on:
Dave finishes up inside of Christina and lets out a sigh of exhausted pleasure. “Wow thanks Dave, so do you and Steve compare how fast you cum when you’re alone? Were in a room that has a mirrors everywhere? I couldn’t help myself! Yeah, all those images of yourself must’ve really turned you on! This music is fucking creepy! Well, if this turned on then we should be able to get the doors unlocked to get out! Hey, you guys in here? Sean? Is that you? Yeah Serena and I are in the fun house too trying to get to the other side of the grounds. Good plan because the entrance on this side is all locked up from outside! Let’s meet in the middle!!” As the music seemingly gets louder and more eerie the trip floors give way and the doors to each floor flip open and shut. Serena and Sean jump onto the sitting train that is stuck in between the attraction. “Get to the Train you, guys!” Sean calls out! Clowns pop in and out of the mirrors and the floor gives way dropping Christina to the next level. Dave calls out to Christina but loses sight of her almost immediately. Dark skulls and dancing figures jump out at her as she lay there trying to figure a way out. Then a dark figure appears, grabs her by her throat and cuts it like an apple with the Kukri. The last thing she sees is the letter on the jacket! As the floor flips open again Dave catches blood splatter from Christina’s veins spurting up towards him as she lay there staring up at him from below! He watches as her head slips off her shoulders. He screams and tries to get out of the mirrored room. A dagger from one of the moving dark figures in the fun house floor up above shatters through the glass mirrors and directly through Dave’s knee. He falls through the floor and lands next to his wife to Be’s body! Dave proceeds to drag himself through the entry way. Sean Gets out of the Train and runs in towards Dave. The pain is excruciating, and Dave is barely keeping himself moving through the corridor. A trail of blood allows a dark figure to follow him as he jumps down to their level. Dave reaches out for Sean’s hand precisely as another dagger goes through Dave’s shoulder blade and then another through the other shoulder blade. Sean Steps back in horror. Dave screams for mercy until the kill shot. A dagger through the heart! The heart splashes all over the walls and covers Sean’s hand entirely.
In shock Sean stands there and is compelled to look around at the murder of his friend. Serena calls out to him to come back! He begins to walk back to Serena. He makes eye contact with Serena and she begins to cry looking at him. “Come get in the train, we can hide here! I don’t think we can hide Serena. SEAN RUN!!” A dark figure begins running towards Sean from behind!! Sean runs with Serena down the never-ending train tracks through the clown covered walls of the fun house towards the light!! Steve appears at the exit bleeding from his chest!! Sean and Serena stop and before Steve can say anything, Sean knocks him out!! “He is going to fucking kill us, lets go!” They run through ‘The Fair’ and towards the games row! Jeff and April see them from the wheel. They tell Amy and Tony from the floor that they’ll be back! Serena grabs Sean some water from the food truck, and the four of them sit inside of the truck devising a plan. “What the fuck is going on Sean? Jeff, Steve tried to kill us. He tried to kill Tony, but Tony stabbed him in the bar before it blew up. Some how he escaped, and he has lost it and is trying to kill us!! I always thought Mr. Manager was a nut. (April says) What are we gonna do? You girls stay here, and Sean and I will go grab one of the Axes from the throwing contest. We will fucking chop that mother fuckers head off! Yeah, sounds good (April says)” Serena kisses Sean and tells him to hurry up and kill him. Sean and Jeff leave the food truck and make their way down the games row. Serena steps up onto the counter to look out the back window of the truck. She notices Steve isn’t lying next to the train exit anymore!!
11pm- The fun house music stops. Amy looks down and tells Tony she sees nothing; the lights also went out to the fun house. The fire rages from the outside of the gated fence to ‘The Fair’ Lights flick on slowly for the Ferris wheel. Tony and Amy look around in silent panicky. “Look over and see who you see Amy? Fuck you, I’m not looking over, you look over. Can you guys see anything from down there? (Jeff hollers back ) Nothing from the games row! (Serena calls from the window) No, but Steve’s body has moved!” The lights in ‘The Fair’ grounds all turn on and the rides turn on too but some are maxed out at speed due to the altered electricity. Jeff goes to grab one of the Axes in the aiming range, while Sean keeps eye. “Hurry up man, this guy is on the prowl. Yeah yeah.” Jeff attempts to pull the Axe out of the wall with one hand. At that precise moment an Axe comes wielding toward him and severs his hand completely off! Sean still keeping an eye outside of the aiming range. Shock takes over Jeff as he just lost his hand. Blood squirts like a moist lemon burst. Another Axe is swung by a man and cuts off one of his legs. The man walks away and all Jeff can do is lay there on his side, hunched over the stump of wood in centre of the range staring down the walk way. He sees the man wearing a ball cap, letter jacket and bright white sneakers walk out towards Sean! Someone bangs on the side of the food truck.
“I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes as stray!” Sean looks up as the song begins. Then he looks down the range for Jeff, whom he doesn’t see. April blasts through the food truck door and runs directly down the centre of ‘The Fair’ Tony calls out for her to look out! A sickle side swipes April cropping her soul in half! Aprils bottom half falls off to the ground but her top half fly’s into the speeding train. “Nothing!! Where the… oh my god where did he go!! Amy we have to get out of here! How? And where? Were safest up here Tony!!” They both look down and see a man in a ball cap turning on the wheel as it had yet to move, thanks to the clutch put in play safe handedly by Sean! They both scream for Sean! Not finding Jeff, Sean scurries ever so quietly over to the wheel. When he arrives he sees no one operating it. He sends Tony and Amy back up. They then can hear screams from Serena coming from the food truck! Sean gazes back and sees Serena’s mouth get cupped from behind and then in an instant the food truck explodes! Sean falls to his knees, tears cascading down his face! The fire trail is now growing stronger as the two fires merge! Again, Tony and Amy call out for Sean. A mis fired Axe hits Sean in the back of his head. They watch from above in dread, not sure where the Axe came from. Atoms of steal melting’s begin to collapse the wheel. Amy climbs out of the quick shifting ride, Tony places his arm around her waist and they attempt to navigate their way down the structure. He grabs hold of one side of the next box car below. Amy tracks down his body to get into the box car as well. They repeat the climbing pattern. Steve appears from the fire unscathed as though he barely been touched by the explosion. Knife in hand and His head and chest bleeding, he makes eye contact with Amy! She screams and the Ferris Wheel seemingly crashes down on top of Steve standing there!
Banners of Y2K come crashing down from the ceiling. The whole right side of ‘The Fair’ engulfed in fire, smoke, and debris with the sound of Prince slowly fading. Tony now crushed under the broke down wheel. He knows he is paralyzed as he can’t feel anything. He can only watch. He sees half of Aprils body laying next to his head. Her liver squirms as it dangles still partially attached to the flesh. She herself is still convulsing. Tony’s eyes turn and a shadow of a man comes out holding Amy in his arms. The Letter G on the jacket covered in blood. The white shoes not so white anymore. Pinned up against another broke down amusement park ride, Tony can do nothing but watch the man stand straight up. The man picks up a spoke from the wreckage after he places Amy into safe space. The man moves towards Tony. A call for help comes from the centre of the grounds. Its Jeff who has managed to drag himself out to safety. “ I don’t think we got this Jeff” ( Tony exclaims) The Train comes roaring down and off its tracks decimating what was left of Jeff’s body! Though he physically cannot quiver, Tony realizes his time is up! He locks eyes with the man. As he screeches Steve’s name, the wheel spoke directly bolts through Tony’s last remaining functioning body part- his eye socket! The man in the letter jacket tilts his head and begins to turn when the very knife he used to kill Pam slits his throat!
Scraping metal sounds are heard as he came to. His eyes widened, the arch of his back straightened. He grasped his leaking jugular in panic! He looked up and seen him again, this time as the compactor doors began to limit his space of life. Within moments the doors had fully closed, and the man would surely be dead!
Paramedics and Fire teams scoured the grounds of what remained of ‘The Fair’ Police were on handguns in hand ready to kill whoever mutilated the people scattered all around. Amy is comforted with a warm blanket outside of the mall as she sits in utter disbelief. Her blue jean dress stained with the blood of her friends. Sean walks up to her and she jumps into his arms, happy he didn’t die! “It was only the back of the Axe. That fucker missed. They see another person being wheeled out on a gurney. They rush over. The beautiful Serena had been burned real bad. Serena reaches out her hand for Sean. He grips it as he and Amy wipe tears of joy from their face. “Don’t try and speak love, lets get you better ok? I’m so glad you’re alive Serena, girl I’m so glad!! (Serena pulls Sean closer and whimpers) It isn’t Steve!
Steve falls to his knees outside of the compactor, believing that his friends and Amy are all dead! He still is bleeding from the knife wound Tony gave him accidentally.
9:30pm Leah comes down the front stairwell to grab more cocaine from Tony’s man purse hanging in the locker room. She hears someone say “Stop your sniffling you pathetic child!” Leah makes her way into the back part of the kitchen where she sees the dishwasher standing there. The rain and thunder bellowing from outside. A flash of lightening strikes the tall standing man as if its something straight from an actual horror movie, Leah thinks. She turns to slowly leave, but he turns and uses the chain he had to tether her neck swiftly snapping it. Leah lay dead on the kitchen floor, in front of the open back door!
Steve enters back into the broken-down restaurant and hears Tony and Mark calling out. He ventures toward them accidentally bumping into someone before the glass floor breaks. A knife falls out of someone’s hand. Tony see’s it and instantly stabs the first person he sees. Steve gets stabbed and left for dead as the blood splatters on the shards of glass becoming the weapon that kills Mark Hellman.
Later Steve tries to warn his friends in the dark corridor of the fun house but gets mistaken for the murderer. The murderer walks over his knocked-out body and continues after the others. Steve makes his way eventually to the food truck and saves Serena from screaming and dying by pulling her to safety as the truck explodes. He watches as the man kills helpless Tony. He slits the man’s throat!
Steve gets up to leave the garbage compacting room where he delivered the killer his final fate. In slow motion action as though watching a reel implode of stillness the compactor doors pry open. A crowbar in hand the long haired greasy skater kid leaps from the machine and Skewers Steve’s chest! He raises Steve up in the air and thrusts his body into the air and into the compactor. Amada picks up his chain, attaches his wallet and re attaches his ball cap. He takes a moment to touch the emblem, and wipes blood off the tongue (emblem is a tongue). He begins to leave until the room is devoured in the ever-raging fire. Trapping him once again!
Melee Attack!
By Sabastian Stefano ®
Happy New Year Signs still hovering over the halls of Casper Cove. Casper Cove sits on the edge of Savage Garden Key’s third island. This island is mainly a vacation spot, with vast get away spots for people to escape too. Also the island is home to retired millionaires and their rich children here simply to party. Casper Cove is a rehabilitation centre for people with extreme life circumstances. Mostly people receive palliative care in Casper Cove. It is situated in one of America’s great destination spots for people to have their final days at peace.
Dark hallways glisten with the sound of people groaning their final breaths late into the night. He lies there listening to them die off one by one. Nurse Bonnie comes in and gleefully says (to what could only be described as a shadow of a man laying in bed barely gripping to life) Another night and another storm. Hopefully tonight you finally fucking die! Nurse Debbie pulls Bonnie aside and tells her to be careful or the head nurse will fire her ass! Bonnie tells Debbie she isn’t afraid of her, and fuck him he deserves it. Debbie inquires as to why she doesn’t like the man in the bed. “He is 95% a dying burn victim Bonnie, have a heart! Do you know who that guy is Debbie? He’s the myth that was Vincettio’s fire starter.
Little Derek Wainwright. Story goes he was abused by his family and so he killed them all by starting a trailer park fire a few decades ago which resulted in the town of Vincettio always being on fire below ground. Some say the storm that brewed that night kept the fires burning and the lightening created a never-ending hell of the town. Oh no that isn’t him Bonnie, Derek and Mama were never found! Actually it is he, Amada Derek Wainwright, son to Hal and Mrs. R. Wainwright brother to Virginia. Her little body was with papa in her bedroom of all places. Sad story but that piece of shit lived and terrorized more people, he came from the America Mall tragedy. Oh I didn’t know, my goodness! Shit, scurry here she comes.”
A taller woman, approximately fifty in age, could be described as Louise Fisher’s stunt double in one flew walks the halls of Casper Cove. She has recently been hired by the facility to ship it into shape and provide the loving care to those who need it most during their final hours. Clip board in hand, she ticks off each room as she passes through. Speaking of ticks she has a twitch to her left eye that doesn’t seem to stop. Her mood is especially jovial this evening. Her red curly hair shoulder length bounces with her step as she walks the halls. An Acadian born with fire red hair is something of a legend in her own right, one would say. But no one knew where she came from, or even anything remotely about her. On this night as the storm grows ever more frightening, the head Nurse has poise in her step.
She stops at the door of a patient. Flips her chart to his name. Steven Maxwell. The Nurse enters the room and shuts the door ever so softly behind her. Checking his vitals, she looks into his eyes. “You’re still fighting I see. I force feed you Mivacurium on a regular basis? I deprive you of light, laughter or even touch of that beautiful girlfriend of yours. Yet you still hold on? (Steve gazes at her name badge) Oh have you been listening to Nurse Bonnie and her wicked tales of my boy? Do you like the name Robyn? Or is it that you fear the idea of who I might be? You long for things you’ll never have again; Like your cape, the letter jacket! The Golden Savages sure did lose a star player when they lost you didn’t, they? Don’t worry my son will wear that jacket of yours again. You tormented him long enough, its his turn to be the alpha- don’t you think Stevie boy?”
Amada’s windows burst open from the roaring thunder and crashes of lightening. His body is hit yet again with a sharp strike from the sky. Just as it did that night in the restaurant, just as it did ………….. seen through the eyes of…. Young Derek Wainwright that fateful night as he pried open the porch door with one of the melee weapons his father kept him locked away with. Tortured for being different. The young boy on the spectrum was not allowed out to play, though he loved his skateboard he couldn’t ride due to his slouch and limp. He stuttered way to often so Papa Hal disengaged the boy from the family. He was locked away in the side porch, fed ever so often like a dog through the shutter. His mother Robyn would read him poetry and pray with him that he would get the strength to break free from this nightmare which is his life. Papa called him Derek because Amada was a proud name and the boy didn’t deserve it in his eyes. Some how his twin sister Virginia knew that fateful night he would escape. The thunder roared and the lightening struck the porch dead on. It soared through Amada’s body and awakened the Derek inside of him that his father tortured. D.I.D. the therapists would call it. He used the crowbar and unhinged the nails on the door. He allowed the same lightening to strike twice this time exploding the rest of his home where it simply left him standing in a burned outdoor way to a porch not even hinted at with flame.
Casper Cove became riddled with the strikes of the storm that night. Derek rose from the hospital bed and picked up his chain and hat, this time fixing the tongue in place to be a letter D. He slipped on that ragged letter jacket and opened the door. The pocket of the jacket had that roster from New Years Eve: 1) Anthony Vercures. 2) Mark Hellman. 3) April Von ler Devaney. 4) Serena O’Hara. 5) Sean Litchfield. 6) Jeff Morris. 7) Christina Mare. 8) Dave Faraday. 9) Amy Thomlinson. 10) Steve Maxwell. Amada was gone thanks to the lightening. Derek has returned to play.
That was awesome 👌. 👌.