Do you ever go about your day and just wonder WTF a lot? I do, could you??
I have a number of positive positions I work in and I value the people, places and circumstances they or we all are in. Sometimes though ok #most of the time I’m left to wonder what in the actual fuck is happening.
In grocery store smelling all the baked goods cause I can’t buy them cause I am a fat fuck and should not eat that stuff on the reg but I digress,
Today I was picking up my usual breakfast items and did my stroll through the bakery and here is this woman picking up boxes of pastrieS then dropping them to see I dunno if they were fresh or not maybe? She did this to plenty of items then smelled the box one after the other. I stared at her from a short distance and wondered what was wrong with her! No words were spoken.
At the gas station pulled up and ready to get out of me whip and there’s this guy standing next to the front door( typical in the hood). I get to get out of me vehicle and he comes and stands in front of the car and proceeds to pick things out of the air and then looks at me through the windshield, I stare then do the what’s up shoulder 🤷 he proceeds to walk back to the store front and begin peeing! No words were spoken.
I decide I’m gonna get pizza at the Za joint in me condo building. It’s pretty good considering all the extras that come with the location. A man comes in pants are not fully on his body, missing a shoe has stained himself and yet fully coherent and orders a pizza and a Mickey of vodka. He pays there’s no cause for concern, but then sits on the floor and begins talking to someone he sees that I do not. No words were spoken!
These moments happen all to often in my little world. I don’t know if I see them particularly because I work in the field I do and notice it more. Or Or if I’m truly blessed to see all the people who also live in their own little world like I do and it’s just an odd blessing.
Does this happen to you?? Share comment and let me know please I cannot be the only one lol
Peace Love and respect and remember to love yourself first!
