Why oh why do you do that to yourself? How can you go home and watch crime dramas and murder shows or get invested in drugs shows? Are you not traumatized after a day in the life of a Social Worker??
These questions get asked of me often. I never thought of it to be honest. I have a friend and we shall call her Ms. Woo she said to me once that she doesn’t watch Chicago PD cause it’s to gritty. I’m like wtf? The hottest men are on that show and the storylines are brilliantly written. I am a Dick Wolf Fan! If you don’t know who he is, please do yourself a favour and get invested in television
I’ve done two posts today because I slacked yesterday due to people getting in my head lol. However I thought of this topic today and I’m like YEA bOi we gonna share this. I sleep too the NEWS. Yep I can watch the NEWS 24/7 honestly I’ve always loved it and fuck I’ll tell ya it helped get me a 100% paper in political science first year of University back when the AmericanS elected the Orange Man.
I dunno it all just relaxes me. My life isn’t bad. It isn’t horrible it absolutely can be worse. Now all recovering folk I know who maintain continuous sobriety will say that. However since I found faith I truly mean that. I can separate my work world and my personal world. In fact I reckon I’m better at my job because I’m fluent in society and the real world. I love falling asleep to the NEWS.
“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you an love! What you can accomplish and what your potential is!” Anne Frank