Haha what kind of title is this? I really am not sure it just came to me as I thought about writing about what most of think about. Friday oh how wonderful a Friday can feel! I usually work on the weekends at one of my jobs but this weekend I’m not doing any job and not even on call! #fabulous
Pick it take that day and make it wonderful! Live it, get that nap in create wellness around the evening and get giddy over nothing.
I came home after stopping at my local grocer, popped those items away chatted with the parents about dinner plans and then fit in a nap. Folks if you don’t know the pure joy of napping in the afternoon breeze and shine YOU are missing out!! Wicked relaxation that was then up and cardio and so on and so forth!
So I plan to indulge in self care for over 48 hours! What does your Self care weekends look like? Share some love ❤️
Thanks for reading xoxo