”It is a happy talent to know how to get play.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
I was in a meeting once and someone was talking about how meetings were a near mimic of kindergarten play. We all sit together arms focused on the lap or table. Some of us have sippy cups, some have chew toys ( gum). In a deaf eagerness we long for the possibility of change. And along the way we learn how to play with one another. What I mean by this could be something of a tale if one factors in how an addict can manipulate or scheme and that stands true for some in recovery too. However what I mean is we learn how to do activities together such as play games! All games, physical activity games which could include AND DOES FOR MANY IN RECOVERY working out!! 🏋️
I’ve mentioned this blog is NOT a healthier guide to living 😆 no I’m promoting Self Care and Self Love! Things I’ve learned to help me become a better me all while loving myself enough along the way. PLAY is one of those ways. I rediscovered games!! Crib became an obsession to say the least! I loved board games and interacting with other while playing the games. I also eventually got some of the games on oh many a device!
Take time to play in one way or another each day! Oh and have fun too would ya!