Any given day I find myself embracing this. I can feel the wind shift and the urge gets stronger. There’s something about the breeze on skin and comfort of the fabric that makes me edge closer to it. Doesn’t matter what time it is when it’s coming on, I’m getting turned on firmly too the idea. Afternoon naps!!
Thank you god for this treat. When I’m in bed mid day, legs caressing out of the sheets and my mind sinking in the days brightness I feel so alive. Give me sleep 💤 my absolute favourite thing to do. I think maybe because I didn’t sleep for a few years that my body aches for any chance to sleep now. And bOi let me tell you I’m all over it.
According to more sleep can Lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. Reduce stress and improve your mood. Think more clearly and do better in school and at work. Get along better with people.
I have to agree. While working at home the last two years has helped me to achieve the beauty of the afternoon nap, I do enjoy the weekend naps as well. I’ll purposely plan shit around my nap schedule 😂
Anyway just my thoughts.