So I reckon we have found something here? I’d like to thank y’all for the reviews and the reads of my first publication ‘Aurora….Where Stars Align’
I've posed a couple feelers out there about what could be next! This BLOG or POST is to determine the order in which I release them. In case you missed it, I also have a new website
This post updates right on the site, so check it out and leave me suggestion!!
Also I’ve posted on WATTPAD so check that out as well!!
FLICKER…. I have described so that is on the list #FYI
Melee Murders
The year was 1999 Cher’s Believe’ was #1 the Oscar went to ‘American Beauty’ and YES the most beautiful thing I too have ever seen is a plastic bag dancing in the wind. Big screen televisions were booming and a new era of scare developed in the ‘Blair Witch Project’ oh and everything was due to end at the stroke of midnight Y2K was supposed to be the millennium bug to end computer technologies!
The holiday season bright in bursting fashion and Santa apparel fills the shopping mall with utter delight. Frantic families and single jingle mingles rushing the stores for those last minute gifts. The most wonderful time of the year is also the most sorrow filled time of the year for folk who don’t have familieS, friends or heck anyone who just gave a damn about them.
A party like no other is about to go down at ‘Rosey Cheeks‘ this New Year’s Eve! World renown family restaurant and bar located in the hottest attraction America Mall. As the party gets underway, the group of employees ban together to fight a murderer brought on through a Y2K prank gone seriously wrong! Derek becomes the first victim of the terror that will become known forever more!!
( kind of campy & I know it! Trust though That the tale will be entertaining and a who’s who will battle it out to see who survives the blood bath )
Bethany Forest whose husband was a relative of the original royalty the Mann Dynasty on Connors Island, meets a lovely nurse named Lucy Noziroh.
Thaddeus Mann, Master Corporal Mann! Becomes mysteriously I’ll and the corporal invites the nurse to stay amd help mend him.
Lucy arrived on the Island as a lay over spot during the Vietnam war. A medical nurse from Sweden accidentally involves herself in the domestics between Prince Thaddeus and his sheltered wife.
Thaddeus was also involved in underground mafia dealings, and with the help of his two main commorades he secures more fortune for his power regime. The trio involved in the “Bank of New York Hoard” proved to secure their names in American History as true Mafia Kingpins. That was 1948!
Twenty some years later an actress took on a role far to daunting not to be trusted: as she lay claim to almost single handedly destroying the founding Island royalty regime as well as slowly reinventing herself along the way. Bethany Forest comes to Capshaw County on the Island of Connor with one thing in mind, destroy the Mann Dynasty!
………………. and she does!
Well folks the synopsis may be cryptic and the pizazz is a little off kilt! To be completely honest im
struhgling with not giving away to much when describing the scenarios! I will say though that coincidentally both stories fit into the Novella I am currently writing ✍🏻 ’Connors Island’
Bare with me, leave me your thoughts!
OH and haha 😂 if you are reading this and you worked with me in a restaurant, bar or hotel 🏨 LET ME KNOW!
You will be featured in the ( what will be ) 3 part story of Melee Murders!!
By. S.S
So I read synopsis # 2 it is interesting and lots of different stories in just a few paragraphs. So at first I was like wtf how will it know more detail about these characters then came the info that there will be another we series to expand on them. So I would definitely read more as they come out. My reading style is if the first few paragraphs don't grab me then I can't continue. So far I can.