Please forgive me as I am nervous for even starting this public forum with y’all! Truly I am grateful that you’ve taken the time to take a peek at my thoughts.
There once was a young man who consumed his environment with people pleasing. He slowly graduated into being the centre of attention, and then to vibrating life into the ever going party. One day his arm drops down the side of a couch releasing his hand and a pill bottle falls to the white shag carpet. Half full vodka bottle and beer cans litter the scene. The young man’s body lay slumped on that black leather couch as he liberates his liquid courage.
3118.56 days ago I started my Self Care, Self Love journey. Considering the times in which we attempt to thrive in, I reckon now is no better time to begin sharing some of what helps heal me, with you!
I am not a professional self help therapist or guru. I am a man who has an education in helping others as well as lived experience destroying one’s self. My journey began with one’s intuition. Your journey begins with time.
“Feeling the need to be busy all the time is a trauma response and fear-based distraction from what you’d be forced to acknowledge and feel if you slowed down” Maxine Carter.