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Birds & Squirrels


Updated: Oct 27, 2022


This FALL retreat started off blustery. The winds and the body haha I couldn't get going today! I rose early and had cups of coffee to awaken me but still time was going to fast!

Finally got the rythem of the day and made tracks. Got to the centre around 330pm arrived to warm welcome as per usual and unpacked my baggage. Beautiful small room this time which has everything I'll need for this intended trip! Desk, sink bed and perfect for me!

I read something off of one of my reality star accounts and it was a message to remind me to take this weekend and venture what this next quarter of my world will look like! Not to use this weekend to hide or run or forget about the life I have! No, I as the person I am today would not do that! I absolutely love who I am and what my everyday looks like.

This mini retreat of 3 nights and 3 days is for

semi quiet reflection. Reading of prayer, as well as poetry and some Nico! I'll also attempt to draw some of my fascinating finds from Pinterest!!

As well as write ✍🏻 the bursting creative gems I have in store are trying to #breakfree from me mind and get into the visual courtyard which is my @Wattpad forum!

So if you're reading this, I thank you for joining me on reflection as I take on another prayer retreat to help me continue to connect with myself through my higher power and nature!


As the evening continued i found myself captured in the words of one of my idols Nico Tortorella and his book "Space Between"

I received this book for Christmas this last year and I absolutely love it! Problem is .... I hate reading! So I've been slowly getting better at it. In fact I've utilized time here on theee retreats to really dive into my reading/ learning side. This helps me with my own writing and creativity- Go figure!

After reading for a few hours in one of the silent parlours here I just had to go write! I ended up starting my next great piece #myopinion lol "the Thomas Craig"

So far so good and completely invested I was! 4000 words later and I'm like woa bOi you gotta get to your silent prayer regimen!

Off I went and set a timer in the chapel. Quiet light red lights with the escaping howls from the windstorm we are having in October!

Truly deep I went as I have begun to understand how to properly centre myself in my higher powers presence.


This was the thought topic that came to me. Speak with, lead by & act on Intentions.

I came to this retreat to follow through with completely learning how to love myself more. By enhancing my trips with meditation and prayer- thoughts and lost gazes into nature. I go here for peace.

My cousin and thoughts of our past a long long time ago came to mind during prayer. So I did ask for love to shined down upon he and his home. Life has been unkind to that family more so than my own. Family is family and for that I am grateful they are still part of.

So it would make sense that prayer in this time could be led to loving one another. The last time I was here back in July I missed a family event, I simply didn't want to attend. I felt great and had nice peace attached to me and so sometimes attending an Italian style roast is not what the goood doctor 😉 has on my plate.

Breathe life into me as I sleep and awaken me to praise of the lords vision.

The next morning came and I barely slept because I was to involved in writing and playing haha breakfast came and I went straight back to bed! UNTIL noon when lunch occurred!

I quickly gave myself shit for missing the mornjng hours and then got ready and presentable for lunch.

Then I spent some time with my animal friends in the garden and oh my y'all this is so serene like silence and animals playing! Wow love them especially during play.

Did you know I even looked up if birds or squirrels 🐿 pee? Well birds shoot acid, so no they do not! Squirrels are inclined to urinate as they drift from tree to tree marking their territory. Then they often go and spread it amongst the said pallet!

Yep I watched a squirrel pee today! Marvellous

A couple mini phrases came to mind as I wrote chapters last night- Let it be and be still. Well would t you know it they came up in verse while I read before prayer this afternoon! The centre swallows me while I'm here! I get caught in my higher powers presence and so deeply I fall!

The wood in on the chairs, the seats where I write to the parlour rooms where I vision! Down to the walls that scream silence engulfed in prayer! I rest so easy here and dream so fluidly. I cannot see past love while I'm here and I'm truly grateful.

Now I've spent hours writing and creating that the afternoon is escaping me!

Another delectable day Saturday was! The afternoon was spent Pinterest HAHA it's so fun for me to explore and plan stories around! True gem 💎

Then I did silent prayer. Drawing came next where I attempt to flex a muscle I have but it's stagnant! Funny thing is I did not intend for the drawing to match any of my stories, but it ended up doing just that!

As I learn more and more about what makes ME I discover things that intrigue me along the way. Like for example I reckon I have some serious Celtic history in me blood. Reading this prayer book cued around Celtic realms I completely engaged with the evening person, the dreamer and storyteller. Creativity comes alive at night. Gypsy Celtic Italian Greek master of some world I reckon I am haha!

As I continued later in the night I read a couple more passages. One was from the book of Psalms and the other from the New Zelannd church, a collection I was gifted by Ms. Storey during the summer retreat. #Both summoned messages pertaining to night and it's gifts and the beauty of actual darkness. Not so often referred to as beautiful. Ok some of the Psalm stuff was dark like bad dark but the over all idea!

I continued to write the meat and potatoes of the 'Thomas Craig' it's coming along but tiring out long. Breaking this book down into chapters is the best thing I think I can do and also teaching myself how to properly write chapters.

The night ended with me understanding why I came on this journey in the fall. I am here to be kinder with self. Recharge my spirit, and be one with things I love.

Golden afternoon so far! Wow folks I have to tell ya! I asked my higher power for this day to #drag on and it is I am so happy!

Ok I just wrote the little chapter on Oscar in the new Sabastian Short the "Thomas Craig" he is based on a character I've learned about! Having to much fun with this short! Anyway I thought his story was great!

Btw the picture above is my drawing of an amulet from apparently a childrens show haha whatever it's my priceless artifact now!


The evening went similar to the last however slow which was nice. Spent more time in prayer and connected with a feeling of doubt but not in a bad way. Center prayer for me is helping me digest ideas or topics that sometimes I can't come to terms with. So this is why this is necessary for me, these retreats.

I got more characters completed for the story. Now after spending some time thinking of what I've written and the more I have to do I do want to tweak a few things and add more realism to them.

I rested while writing and rested while creating. My mind works in fun ways , in a way I find that as I abstract thoughts and focus on random things I wouldn't usually focus on I build characters to the best!

Now I have to say the stories in this short are of characters I've learned about. The stories explode in amazing ways of well life.

I slept amazing there was a slight chill in the centre which had me curled right under many blankets. Keep in mind I have Andropause and that can make things difficult haha but it was awesome.

As I checked out the team there have come to know me and they asked about my writing. Did I keep on track or did the story take off in an absolute different direction like E M P I R E did. Lol I said nope this time the story stuck to the form I intended haha.

Anyway what was learned:

Be Still

Silence is key when present with self.

Love the night listen to the surrounding.

Be kinder to myself the darkness isn't enemy treat it as energy!

Thanks for reading this and I do hope you've checked out my work. Now I will have the 'Thomas Craig' out by the 21st of October so be sure to check out this new style and story. I hope it is improved for y'all.

I'm learning 😊🙏💋


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