Happy weekend y’all, hope it’s been a swell one thus far. I don’t know about you but I do know that some off days are more about being off than off work. Sure it’s a bonus not poppin into Social Worker Mode kind set, it’s also a bonus to distinguish between all mind sets on the days undesignated to any particular thing.
I have mentioned before that I don’t do schedule things. I’m in no rush nor am I committed to committing. Lately I’ve been getting to bed earlier lately and my weekends minus working shape up to waking relatively early like 8 and then falling back asleep then going back to bed for another hour or so haha. Anyway haha as I slumbered around yesterday I caught myself embracing some escape delight in stores I don’t usually go in. Some sucked and some could really learn that what they describe on their signs should be what they actually have in store! Example Phantom Vintage, clothing costume and so much more! There was no #More at all. If I wanted to go buy someone’s used tshirt I’d head to Value Depot.
So I continue on down the street and finished my massage therapy. I decided to mosey on down a different back way boardwalk, i passed through a yellow barricade and slipped hardcore! Head snapped back straight onto the ground and my right arm felt like I punched something. Reckon I punched the ground. It happened so fast and lady who was walking the same way paused in horror and then while in shock asked if I needed a hand up and if I was ok? So nice of her! Wow literally could’ve concussed myself or worse hit my head in the barricade. Black ice hidden under the snow on a spot less travelled. I reckon being so happy in my own little world of adventure may have caused the slip and fall. I did get up and I continued on day dreaming and searching for my next collectable. Though now I had the misadventure of what could’ve happened if…
“My imagination gets the best of me, my reality gets the worst” Sean Browning