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I’m Happy You’re Here

Self care Self Love by Steve has turned into a brilliant blog, thanks to YOU! A journey through the eyes of hazel which only I can see. The view is up to you. Out put myself to the Universe and experience this unique blog through dialogue that captures Spirit, Esteem and Shine! 

Faces of Wellness campaign Winner
Home: Welcome


This is a topic of many rainbows as it covers a range of areas. Why has this come to mind? Well each day I try and relate something on...


To remember is a gift. Never forgetting isn’t that hard, and when the flash image comes to my mind via a client in the now- I take...

Insinuate All they Want

What kind of header is this? Lol well it’s what is on my mind today. Snap boi got me all up in arms about my face journey. Was talking to...

and now this

This isn’t a band wagon jump on trial game play thing. This is how I feel about the now. With all the memes and gif and mocking collab...


Once upon a time I dared myself to a task I literally thought wouldn’t be an issue. Chess pieces and tempus fugit all moments consisting...

Carries on in both worlds?

Alright so I had this conversation with someone yesterday and my goodness if it hasn’t stayed on me mind for near two days! it’s nothing...


Its a little bit funny how I can get caught up in the lines. There always lines crossed, drawn or targeted throughout the day to day. I...


It’s a little bit funny when I start to think of how this topic came to be. I was having this conversation at work and explained that...


Hey y'all so just a little something about this blog and such. First off I truly appreciate you reading this blabber from me mind. All of...

Balloons 🎈 in the window

I was driving home the other evening, it was around midnight dark and moonlit. I’d had an evening of games, laughter and fun. So the...

Helicopter People

It’s like looking down on upon this view! Yep that’s me legs and I’m in front of the big screen, My happy place! I love to escape like...

Sinking into….

Any given day I find myself embracing this. I can feel the wind shift and the urge gets stronger. There’s something about the breeze on...

The power of the story

Currently I have been at three different job sites within the inner city. I am so blessed with this gift of work and I cannot help but...

Freddy made the water red

Freddy Krueger an iconic dreamer of the ages. I am a horror movie fan but he really did make the water Red! An exhausting day full of...

Singles Awareness Day

You read that correctly yes! What is singles awareness day you ask? Why it’s a day everyone and everything reminds you of for...

Lose yourself

I’ve been doing something #extra lately and I’m actually loving it! With these times creeping over our existence I’ve become blah. Same...

Good Morning Sabastian

Mornings, the fresh hell deliberation the second my baby girl wakes me. Yes each morning my girl Nina taps my chest, and says good...

Take that

It’s now happened twice in a week! Surprise time off from one of my jobs. Hey whatever the fuck I still get paid. If you know me...

Let’s hear it for the boy!

“My baby may not be rich. He’s watching every dime. But he loves me loves me loves me, we always have a real good time. And maybe he...

Do you ever….

Some days suck. Oh I guess I could write more 😂 Some days are great and some are just in between ya know? I had to stop over analyzing...

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Exercising at Home
Woman Walking Outdoors

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Man Doing Pushup
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